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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • If you don’t want to run your own mail server then there will always be a trade off somewhere. That trade off could be high costs to pay a tech firm to run a private mail server for you, could be lack of features, could be privacy, could be a lot of things. Even with your own mail server there will be trade offs around security etc. depending upon your skillset.

    Personally, I have a hybrid approach.

    • Business is on a mail server
    • Personal with sensitive data (health, bills, etc.) is on a mail server
    • Personal - subscriptions, newsletters, etc. is on Proton
    • Everything else is on Gmail

    I also have other accounts (e.g. DDG, Apple Mail, for specific use cases, but I forward the content I receive there into Gmail.

    I’ve had a look at Tuta and haven’t seen enough to convince me to move anything there. I’m not going to move my mail servers to a cloud provider, Gmail is there because the address is 20 years’ old and I can’t be bothered updating everywhere that it’s used, and Proton has been great for years, has grown well, and has a corporate mission that I agree with. DDG, Apple Mail etc. is what the internet sees of me - They generate unique email addresses and then I forward the content I want into Gmail, or sometimes Proton.

  • The short videos on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc. can be extremely comforting for someone struggling with how their brain and mind function. The feeling when you see someone experiencing exactly what you’re experiencing, and explaining it in such an identifiable manner, can be exhilarating. This doesn’t mean your friend does or does not have ADHD, but it may help her better articulate what she’s going through, and it may help her feel less alone.

    I don’t know what Country/State/Territory/Province/County etc. you and your friend are in, but the process for an ADHD diagnosis differs the world over. Your Country etc. may have some online resources that can help explain the diagnostic criteria and process. There are also some good videos on YouTube by medical professionals (YouTube confirm this below each video) that discuss ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, treatment etc. in detail.