Haven’t played much Warframe but enjoyed what I did, this looks pretty cool might have to get back into it. I really like the cyberpunk look they are going for
Haven’t played much Warframe but enjoyed what I did, this looks pretty cool might have to get back into it. I really like the cyberpunk look they are going for
Copypasta, nothing more I want to be than a long overused block of text that clogs up threads all over the net.
I am also partial to shell pasta.
Would have never known it had anything to do with a song, I just thought it was a mockingbird
Aka the asshole parking lights.
I usually see the Picard maneuver, wonder what the meme I seen has to do with Star Trek then realize I am not at risa.
The remix bros has a great musical version of this https://youtu.be/GZmH1aK9NN0?si=3DHpeV9oCR02XjMi
Thanks for sharing this and the source as well. Something about a steam punkish snail thingy just does it for me.
Guessing someone is hoping they’ll get a boost with the release of the switch world championship.