• conditional_soup@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Look, man, it’s an election year, the hype machine is going to be running full tilt, and every little thing is going to be blown way out of proportion, like that one time Obama killed a fly on national TV or that other time he wore a beige suit. I’m going to vote for Biden, not least of all because the other guy probably will end up putting me and my family on his “official action” list (thank you, SCOTUS). There’s lots more reasons, but Trump openly represents the end of the US government as we’ve known it, and that’s not hyperbole. He’s been very open about his intent to dismantle any component that could possibly tell him no or hold him accountable in any way, which would functionally make him a king. It’s far, far, far from an ideal choice, but it’s an obvious one.