• slickgoat@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Disagree as irrelevant whether either party dies in a couple of years.

    The story is whether Biden can get elected? Maga will vote Maga. Dem will vote Dem. The real battle is in the margins - the undecided and the unsure if it is even worth turning out. Complaining about Trump is like complaining about diarrhoea. Either you do something about it or just accept the shitty duds.

    Biden has to either really convince the electorate that he has it together in a aggressive way. He has to demonstrate strongly that he can take the criminal blowhard down, or step aside and let someone who can step up do the job.

    The stakes are incredibly important. Yet, people are still focused on Trump’s lying. A skill he mastered that is unchanged and unchanging for more than 60 years.