You forgot to run
npm edge dev
firstNothing, it’s already ruined(!)
SyntaxError: Unexpected ! operator
No, it’s an order!
Yeah you’re gonna need a new dev environment. That one’s toast.
ruin dev
is a new advanced feature that endorses opinionated “extreme programming” techniques. First it gets to work rebuilding node_modules, but with all the least compatible module versions in order to accelerate testing. It also minifies your .js code in place, to save you some CPU cycles later. Lastly, it squashes your entire git history on all branches, to save space.It also tries to do
rm -rf /
to save more space, but in this case it’s a futile attempt
Hi Strong Bad
Source: Homestar Runner - Strong Bad Email #50 - 50 Emails you get four hundred thousand viruses?
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?That’s not a good prize!
Its an alias, so no problem.
It’s an alias to start the upgrade to Windows 11… you thought you were being careful all those months dodging the Windows 11 upgrade button but you’ve done it now! Get ready for an objectively worse OS!
Considering “being ruined” is a state, and not a scale, the dev is already ruined, because it’s not Linux.
Microsoft is way ahead of you
Not sure CrowdStrike runs on npm, but still ruined it all for sure
“ruin dev” is redundant; that’s the default behavior.
Apparently it works retroactively and now you are on Windows.
Oh man, that would be a hell of an easter egg if it cleared your terminal and pretended to be a dos prompt
MCP: Already there, Hun! END OF LINE.
NPM on Windows, it doesn’t matter anymore.
deploys your code to your dev environment
You may have to switch to a proper operating system to redeem yourself.