What did Donald Trump mean when he told supporters they “won’t have to vote anymore“ if he wins? The Republican's latest explanation was hardly reassuring.
We’ve got fantastic cars, the best cars. They’ve got all the best parts; windows, air conditioning, leather… nice leather seats. You like leather? I’ve got a leather couch in my penthouse. White leather, very classy. JD says it chafes but I think it’s classy. Made in Germany, you been to Germany? Magnificent couch makers in Germany. And they’ve got nice cars in Germany but nothing like these cars, we’ve only got the best cars on this lot. You driven a folkswagon? Wonderful family car, you can fit all your kids in this car, great for kids I’m told. You have kids? I’ve got my daughter Ivanka, she fits on my lap in this car, it’s very roomy.
Ivanka? No, she’s 42. Very beautiful, everyone agrees, very beautiful, magnificent smell. She smells like the women’s changing rooms at Macy’s, almost as good as the smell of a new car. You ever test driven? I’ve never driven myself, they’d be asking all the time, drive here, drive here, drive there; can’t get away. They always want me to drive but I say no, I don’t drive, never felt like it.
I listened to the little bit of the interview they had, and he’s just a shitty used car salesman.
Always has been
He’s selling shitty used cars or he’s a shitty salesman selling used cars?
Hey, i loved you in Pocahontas!
Used cars are one of the few things he actually hasn’t tried (and failed) to sell, which is ironic as he’s probably be pretty good at it.
We’ve got fantastic cars, the best cars. They’ve got all the best parts; windows, air conditioning, leather… nice leather seats. You like leather? I’ve got a leather couch in my penthouse. White leather, very classy. JD says it chafes but I think it’s classy. Made in Germany, you been to Germany? Magnificent couch makers in Germany. And they’ve got nice cars in Germany but nothing like these cars, we’ve only got the best cars on this lot. You driven a folkswagon? Wonderful family car, you can fit all your kids in this car, great for kids I’m told. You have kids? I’ve got my daughter Ivanka, she fits on my lap in this car, it’s very roomy. Ivanka? No, she’s 42. Very beautiful, everyone agrees, very beautiful, magnificent smell. She smells like the women’s changing rooms at Macy’s, almost as good as the smell of a new car. You ever test driven? I’ve never driven myself, they’d be asking all the time, drive here, drive here, drive there; can’t get away. They always want me to drive but I say no, I don’t drive, never felt like it.
Why did I type this
Trump, if nothing else, stimulates the imagination and inspires mockery and satire.
Love him or hate him (and make no mistake, I loathe absolutely that abysmal fuckstain) he has an extremely identifiable manner of speaking