Is it a vet?
Not even fair
- Very Good
- I rated very good because of the dogs on the form
- We need more dog pictures.
Are you a dog yourself?
Doctors take feedback?
What type of utopia do you live in?
My pharmacy sends a survey after every visit. Nothing ever improves.
They there to fire employees with justification.
I’m sure that’s a study in psychology about how survey results are significantly better with dog pictures just waiting to be written.
Do we need the paper to know it’s true? Seems trivial.
If I needed to cite that fact as a legitimate fact in an academic paper, I would need some evidence that it’s true.
Formally proving trivial things help when proving non trivial things and sometimes the trivial thing turns out to be wrong.
I want billions of funding into this. The Internet needs more dog pictures!
Sorry, I can only fund cat photos
To be specific, it’s a Moorean fact
What a bad argument for the existence of reality.
Light patterns