Sonic Team’s follow-up to the Sonic franchise. Released on the Sega Saturn, so despite it being one of the Saturn’s better-selling games, few people played it back when it was new. It has a decent cult following of fans and seems to be generally regarded as a good-but-not-spectacular game (like a solid 7-8 out of 10), but it’s nowhere near Mario 64’s caliber.
What the fuck is Nights into Dreams?
For real tho
Sonic Team’s follow-up to the Sonic franchise. Released on the Sega Saturn, so despite it being one of the Saturn’s better-selling games, few people played it back when it was new. It has a decent cult following of fans and seems to be generally regarded as a good-but-not-spectacular game (like a solid 7-8 out of 10), but it’s nowhere near Mario 64’s caliber.
Also you can okay the PC port for free!