When Pavel Durov, a Russian tech entrepreneur who founded the Telegram messenger app, was arrested in Paris on Aug. 24 on accusations of allowing terrorism to blossom on his platform, Ukraine watched it closely. He was charged by a Paris court on Aug. 28.
In Ukraine, the charges against Durov
I would be surprised if it’s not.
russia tried to take control over it for a while, until
On 18 June 2020, the Russian government lifted its ban on Telegram after it agreed to “help with extremism investigations”. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/telegram-russia-ban-lift-messaging-app-encryption-download-a9573181.html
Which means they have access to all messages.
You speculate that. Don’t pass it on like you have proof. Or share the proof.
The facts are:
Yes, I don’t have evidence that the messages are accessed, only that the access is given and that all of that is happening in a country with a blatant disregard to law from the government.
There’s also the part where they cooperate with Russian authorities but not western authorities (which is why Pavel Durov was arrested), or how their half hidden end2end encryption mode used to have a mechanism to make it almost impossible to detect a Person in the Middle Attack until they got called out.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably not a whale.
I’m not saying I don’t agree with the speculation. It’s just some things get passed around as facts, but it’s a conspiracy at most.