Former President Donald Trump held a town hall with Tulsi Gabbard in Wisconsin on Thursday -- but he didn't know it was a town hall until the event actually started. This is not based on insider information, this was exactly what Trump told the crowd that had gathered in LaCrosse. The whole conversation --
this sort of breathless headline does not the former guy. people who like him are like, ‘oh he’s just off the cuff brash’, but no he’s like a toddler with a big box of toy guns
Does not what?
“does not accurately reflect”… shit. i don’t know. it’s like a puzzle i completed 99.9%. Found the missing piece the day after I set the whole thing on fire. Actually no it’s like that analogy does not even work, but shit this is not going well.
Except the toy guns are loaded with real bullets.
At one point he has access to nukes!
It does sort of amaze me that we didn’t have a military coup happen because he ordered a nuclear strike on a hurricane or a random country that he got too upset at.