Durov gets arrested in france and suddenly the telegram slander kicks into high gear. It gets a hit piece every once in a while for sure, but the last few days have been on a different level.
You know who else uses telegram? My family, to send vacation pics to each other.
You know what other technology bad guys use? Email.
I find this to be a bit ridiculous. Telegram isn’t the only method of communication. If they take it down, there are already a lot of alternatives. And more can be made in a week. It’s not hard to encrypt messages ffs.
It’s not hard to encrypt messages ffs.
It is if you’re a boomer in charge of the government and apparently news websites. The internet is a series of tubes.
Then encryption is like tying tubes, and we know how much republican men hate that idea.
Any platform that knowingly and willingly becomes ‘the nazi bar’ should be taken down. Repeat as often as necessary.
One persons Nazi is another person’s Wumao.
Nazis are Nazis. Just pretending they’re equivalent with the CCP doesn’t make sense nor make it true.
The death toll related to genocide or political repression in China over the past century could range between 20 million and 50 million or more, depending on how the events are categorized and interpreted.
The total number of deaths caused by genocide, political repression, and civilian casualties from German actions during the past 100 years is estimated to be between 30 million and 37 million people (with the overwhelming majority occurring during World War II and under the Nazi regime).
So if we compare apples to… bigger apples, they don’t look that dissimilar. The only difference to me is that China has largely gotten away with it.
Basic internet research. Does your great firewall prevent you from accessing the entire internet?
They’re still two different things…?
True, both the Nazis and the CCP commited genocide.