i think that’s really the point - unlimited isn’t actually unlimited. unlimited means unspoken, and often variable limits based on the mood of managers
okay but that’s kinda the point… unlimited leave isn’t really that because nobody ever takes that leave… it’s not your fault: it’s literally designed to make you think it’s your fault… if you decided to take 2mo PTO i guarantee your “unlimited” PTO would suddenly not be unlimited
15 days is the limit at my job that you only get after 7 years working here. Seeing comments like this make me sad… Happy for you for sure, but sad for me cuz Murica’…
i think that’s really the point - unlimited isn’t actually unlimited. unlimited means unspoken, and often variable limits based on the mood of managers
5 weeks is… pretty minimal
I have never been turned down for PTO in 7 years at this company, for what it’s worth. I just don’t take enough vacation. It’s my own fault.
okay but that’s kinda the point… unlimited leave isn’t really that because nobody ever takes that leave… it’s not your fault: it’s literally designed to make you think it’s your fault… if you decided to take 2mo PTO i guarantee your “unlimited” PTO would suddenly not be unlimited
15 days is the limit at my job that you only get after 7 years working here. Seeing comments like this make me sad… Happy for you for sure, but sad for me cuz Murica’…
i guess the point is not to brag - it’s to rattle the cage and yell “THIS IS NOT NORMAL” and “IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS”
… there are lots of americans that just consider what they experience as normal, and that’s absolutely not normal for similarly privileged countries
… then you unionise and this forms part of your demands ;)