These calls might be from lawyers. Check your mail and see if you are getting mail from lawyers. They are all trying to beat each other to get you to sign with them.
I don’t know how all states operate but they have access to police reports that have your contact info. If it doesn’t have your number then background reports.
These calls might be from lawyers. Check your mail and see if you are getting mail from lawyers. They are all trying to beat each other to get you to sign with them.
It’s all call center spam. People speaking Chinese or Hindi in the background
Which means they’re not going to respect your local do not call lists.
Sounds like spam to me.
How would random laywers have access to your number?
I don’t know how all states operate but they have access to police reports that have your contact info. If it doesn’t have your number then background reports.
Better call Saul, am I rite?