Anyone sane has left Xitter already and the crazies stay on their own platform, making the Web generally much more pleasant, as less and less sites link to Xitter.

    20 days ago

    I joined reddit maybe a couple of years before violentacrez was outed by gawker media. I fully remember what it was like back then, and I wouldn’t say it got worse over time. I’d say that as time went on some things got better and others got worse so that on balance not much changed. I don’t really understand the people who have the rose tinted goggles about reddit. I didn’t leave because reddit users got actively worse so much as I left because the policies that the company were making and the things they were changing made the platform untenable.

    I agree with what you’re saying. This is the curse of the anonymity of the internet at large and it happens everywhere. People just like to pretend that it doesn’t.