Mad lad Obama
To the tune of Judas Priest’s “Breakin’ The Law”Barack-in the law
Bake him away, toys.
At least his not wearing a tan suit in this.
or doing a star bucks salute.
Or eating Dijon mustard
Or wearing a tan suit in summer.
Or bombing a doctors without borders hospital
Hot take: that one’s actually not ideal
I knew he was a gangster
Didn’t see any wrong with it since he didn’t have a Lakitu floating a camera behind him
That is so unpresidential!
This photo would be so much better if they made a tiny tan suit that the sign could wear. Image editors dont let me down
How many times has Obama taken a picture with this sign, that they felt the need to put this sign up telling Obama not to take pictures with this sign?
500 trillion
Edit: ish*
Rookie numbers.
I’m always curious about what the original image was, so here it is:
cheers of thousands
O’biden Bama
Thanks Obama
How many j’s has this photo been pegged? My dear sweet pixelated Jesus.
Was it an official act as president?
If you ask the supreme court, probably not.
You can tell because he’s both black and not Trump. 2 irredeemable sins.
“Blacks don’t official acts” - Kavanaugh prolly
I mean Roberts is a real possibility too tbh given that recent memo leak
You’re not implying they are racist or partisan, are you? /s
Implying? No
That depends, is he a black Democrat?
I heard he wasn’t black at first, but now is.