It has been said a gazillion times over the last few months, but is it getting through to those who need to hear it?

    21 hours ago

    But earlier in this very chain you made a simple claim, with the word “no”, that it’s untrue that third party voters don’t want Trump to win. Where’s your evidence? Where’s your data? How does your data account for trumps high disapproval rating nationally (much higher than Harris’s) despite pretty good approval amongst registered republicans? How is that possible without the disapproval of non-democrats? Your talking point makes no sense.

    You love to tell other people to prove their statements but you’re happy to make your own evidence-free claims that don’t fit with real world data.

    • voiceofchris
      19 hours ago

      third party voters are some homogenous bloc of disenfranchised “not Trump” voters.

      This is what i said “no” to.

      And again, the burden is not on me. I am notthe one using unsupported claims to support a conclusion. That’s the author of the article doing that. But you know what? Just for fun, i will do what not one single other commentor has done. I WILL give you some data. Maybe by me doing so, some others can see how it is done and can provide some data of their own instead of resorting to personal attacks and speculation to support their beliefs. 52.5% Trump’s disapproval among both parties. 80.4% Trump’s favorability among Republicans. 17.8% unfavorable. Republicans account for 48% of registered voters. Dems 49%.

      So, 17.8% (unfavorable) of 48% (Republicans) means that 8.5% of the registered voting population is, in fact, Republicans who dissaprove of Trump.

      Now let’s look at the 52.5% of the registered voting population who dissaprove of Trump. Assuming that all Democrats (49%) dissaprove of him, we only need to find another 3.5% somewhere. You COULD look to the 3% of the registered voters who are presumably registered third party or independent. But you should be looking at the other group, whom we already know to dissaprove of Trump, and which is nearly three times (8.5%) larger than third party voters. That would be the Republicans themselves.

      If you or anyone else would care to explain how this data points to third party voters unanimously preferring Harris over Trump, or would like to provide some other data to support that claim, then please do. I am all ears.

        18 hours ago

        So you took the people who disapprove of trump, subtracted the republicans who disapprove of Trump, and the Democrats who disapprove of Trump, and then you went ahead and said that the remaining ones are all Republican? And you’re the one who claims to be factual? You’re math isn’t mathing.

        • voiceofchris
          16 hours ago

          So you took the people who disapprove of trump, subtracted the republicans who disapprove of Trump, and the Democrats who disapprove of Trump, and then you went ahead and said that the remaining ones are all Republican?


          I took the total percent of voters who disapprove of Trump (52.5%) and subtracted the percent of those voters who are Democrats (49%). The remaining 3.5% is therefore the percentage of voters who disapprove of Trump who are not Democrats.

          I then showed that there are a full 8.5% of voters who are Republicans that dissapprove of Trump, therefore refuting the claim the the 3% of voters who are not Dem or Rep must all dissaprove of Trump.

          My math is just fine, thank you. You just don’t like the answer.

            9 hours ago

            Oh, silly me! You’re right of course! Of course you’re passionate that third party voters can approve of Trump and want him elected, because you’re one of them! It was staring me in the face! Why else would you be on lemmy advocating for left leaning folk to vote third party instead of democratic! Here was me believing that there were third party voters who disapprove of Trump, but you’ve proved it mathematically for me! They don’t exist!

            I understand your math now that you explained it more clearly, too! 8.5% of voters are republicans who think Trump is a disaster, but only 3.5% of non Democrats dislike Trump but 3.5% < 8.5%, all of those non Democrats who dislike Trump have to be republicans,

            In fact your math shows that every single one of them has to be three republican voters! Otherwise the numbers don’t add up! Truly your math is better than mine and your logic is flawless.

            • voiceofchris
              2 hours ago

              So now it’s sarcastic tirade and more personal attacks. Ok, you hold your end of the conversation the way you like. I’ll attempt to continue to be respectful and stick to a logical discussion. You’re welcome to join me there.

              No, i am not voting for Trump. I find him to be repulsive and dangerous. I am, in fact, one of those third partiers that you and most others here seem to think define all third partiers. That is to say that if i were forced to choose between Kamala and Donald i would choose the former. But i am not all third partiers. I happen to understand that third partiers are, like all political subdivisions, a nuanced group. More nuanced than most since we have taken everything from communists to anarcho-capitaliats to environmentalists and thrown them into one catch all group.

              I am pleased that you have now taken the requisite time to understand the math. But a tongue in cheek mischaracterization of my stance does not refute the math or advance your case (whatever that might actually be; at this point i’m fairly convinced that your only stance is attempting to discredit me).

              all of those non Democrats who dislike Trump have to be republicans,

              I never claimed this. Instead i claim that the 8.5% of voters who are Trump-hating Republicans is more than enough to account for at least 2% of total voters who are non-Democrat Trump Haters. For if 2% out of the 3.5% non-Democrat Trump haters are Republican, then only 1.5% can be third partiers. And, since 1.5% is half of all the third partiers (3%), then if greater than 2% of total voters are Trump hating Republicans the article is debunked.

              So all i need is less than one quarter of the anti-Trump Republicans to remain anti-Trump in a national all-voter poll and the implication is that third party voters do not swing Democratic.

              Now, look, there are some perfectly valid arguments against this. You could claim that disapproving of Trump in an all Republican poll somehow doesn’t translate to disapproving of Trump in an all-voter poll. Or you could show that in-party and/or out-of-party disapproval ratings do not translate to negative voting booth results. Maybe you could provide polling that uses some other mteric. Or, heck, maybe you could find a poll that polls only third party voters directly and thus silences all debate in one fell swoop. I would welcome any of these results. I am not interested in my current stance being proven correct. I am interested in the correct stance being borne out with evidence.

              I still patiently await any amount of data that proves me wrong.