What do I win once I tick them all off?
a pair of human pants and a human burrito with meat
a senate seat.
False Consensus Effect and Narcissistic Personality go hand in hand. Can’t tell you the amount of times my narcissistic coworker starts trash talking people I like a hell of a lot more than them assuming I agree.
What’s the cognitive bias for believing that any given chart is the ULTIMATE CHART. Yes yes, YOUR chart is gospel, the exhaustive definitive final chart 🙄
Oh ffs it gets worse with the Don’t Forget To Like And Subscribe whine beg plead for internet fart points at the bottom
I’d love to see a list of names for writing devices used by trolls/propagandists thar generate completely false information of varying types. Forced binary choices when a third way is valid or the choices aren’t even related. Most of them are just plain old lies, so I don’t think the list would be too long.
Nice try trying to make me fold queen jack on the turn
theirs knoe mods here,
Someone call the mods!
Don’t listen to the mods, it’s authority bias!
I’m out here actively going against my biases and selling someone else’s house above market value 😤
Availability Heuristic looks out of place. It’s pretty much the only bias I have (beside confirmation bias, which is hard to avoid as sneaky it is), but how should one survive in this world without relying on others? Without doing a scientific bias free study on every topic in life, you’re unavoidable suffering from that bias. A healthy level would be avoiding making it a rule. I regularly disagree with friends decisions, so maybe I don’t have this bias.
I’d say a lot of those things are the result of cognitive shortcuts.
It kinda makes sense to make a lot if not most decisions by relying of such shortcuts (hands up anybody who whilst not having a skin problem will seek peer-reviewed studies when chosing what kind of soap to buy) because they reduce the time and energy expediture, sometimes massivelly so.
Personally I try to “balance” shortcuts vs actual research (in a day to day sense, rather than Research) by making the research effort I will put into a purchase proportional to the price of the item in question (and also taking in account the downsides of a missjudgement: a cheap bungee-jumping rope is still well worth the research) - I’ll invest more or less time into evaluationg it and seeking independent evaluations on it depending on how many days of work it will take to be able to afford it - it’s not really worth spending hours researching something worth what you earn in 10 minutes of your work if the only downside is that you lose that money but it’s well worth investing days into researching it when you’re buying a brand new car or a house.
For negativity bias my wife just told me a great technique that she uses for that. Come up with a list of people whose opinions matter to you. Any time you question yourself, imagine how each person on that list would react to what you did. Since those are the only people whose opinions matter to you, if it’s mostly positive, then you should feel proud of your choice.
Actually the reason I order the last item the server mentioned is because of crippling social anxiety
Same for not standing up in the middle of everyone to go out from watching a bad movie in the cinema.
I like that this has simple examples, even if imperfect.
What’s the opposite of the False Consensus Effect, where you feel like no one probably agrees with you?
I was thinking about one of these earlier talking about Full Metal Alchemist vs FMA: Brotherhood. Everyone I’ve talked to who liked Brotherhood more, saw it first. Which makes me wonder if I would like it more had I not seen the original first.
I saw the original first. I like brotherhood better. Both have their merits. Hope that helps :)
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Even with the somewhat incorrect examples, I want to print this out and hang it as a poster on my wall.