Top Secret, by the same guys who did Naked Gun. I think it’s somehow actually funnier on average than Naked Gun, even though that one’s great, too.
Basically, I don’t know if a human could watch it and not find it fucking amazingly funny. So dense with jokes, so creative with the execution, so many funny practical effects, you’re constantly astounded that they created props and sets for such absurd humor, and it really works.
That one is pretty good! The entire scene with the shootout where everyone keeps breaking windows is my favorite. There are so many good gags in that scene, it’s ridiculous.
Top Secret, by the same guys who did Naked Gun. I think it’s somehow actually funnier on average than Naked Gun, even though that one’s great, too.
Basically, I don’t know if a human could watch it and not find it fucking amazingly funny. So dense with jokes, so creative with the execution, so many funny practical effects, you’re constantly astounded that they created props and sets for such absurd humor, and it really works.
The Pinto
The joke with the boots is magnificent. Need to watch that again, been a while.
That one is pretty good! The entire scene with the shootout where everyone keeps breaking windows is my favorite. There are so many good gags in that scene, it’s ridiculous.
“I know a little German… He’s sitting over there.”
waves enthusiastically
Blazing saddles is up there with those movies too with just a bit more colourful language
If you like all of those, check out “The Wrong Guy”. Also if you like the amazing wonderful pure Dave Foley.