Matt Gaetz running the justice department. Fox hosts in charge of the Pentagon and transportation. Elon Musk as head of layoffs. And Robert F Kennedy Jr and Dr Oz overseeing the nation’s health.

Some have likened Donald Trump’s administrative picks to a clown car; others are calling our incoming leadership a kakistocracy, or “government by the worst people”, as Merriam-Webster puts it.

The word has been trending online, with a burst in search traffic in recent weeks and a new dedicated subreddit. It’s not the first time Trump has (accidentally) made the term famous; many discovered it in his first term. But the kakistocracy of 2016 looks like Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood compared with the president-elect’s new batch of sidekicks.


    4 months ago

    very little action needs to be taken by the people in those States to convince their secretary of State to do a manual recount, or people in other states to ask their secretary of State to pressure the soss in other states to do a recount.

    legislation is often supported or not based on less than 100 people calling into their legislator’s office, so the more people calling up their secretaries of state and election officials and demanding a recount, the better.

    this is not a baseless accusation, there is hard evidence that Trump’s lawyers had voting software, and a historical and statistical and probability that The voters that literally want Trump. the election are real or actually voted.

    The likelihood is that those ballots are not there.

    with this much actual evidence, there must be a recount.

    you should demand it.

    call or email your election officials. tell me your state and I’ll tell you who to call or email.