I want to know what kind of apps/programs y’all recommend to people or just use personally. This is just in general, could be anything from a game to a media codec. I personally use Linux but stuff for other operating systems is welcome too.

  • steeznson@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Will put a disclaimer here that it’s not going to be for everyone but I use emacs for pretty much everything.

    It’s a competent code editor with a lot of plugins similar to vscode. It has email, web browsing and IRC built-in out of the box. One of the best of the bundled packages is org-mode which is a fully featured note taking application that can export to HTML and latex. Then there are a wide ecosystem of packages like music players (emms) and visual git interfaces (magit) you can install too. It can even work as a WM!

    Before we get into a text editor holy war I still use vim for quick edits.