I love trackballs (except that Kensington above. It was basically a pinch your skin torture device.) I still use the Logitech M570 trackball. It’s pretty good.
My favorite of all time though was the Logitech Trackman Vista. Absolutely perfect form factor that Logitech just gave up on one day and I will never know why.
Well the beauty of it was that it was comfortable to use with index finger or thumb. Which was nice when you were doing something precise or wanted to do something that involved a lot of broad movement.
US military: “Perfection.”
I used the logitech optical trackball mouse for quite a few years! Did not play a lot of FPS a that time…
Still use one to control the PC when i’m in bed. =)
I love trackballs (except that Kensington above. It was basically a pinch your skin torture device.) I still use the Logitech M570 trackball. It’s pretty good.
My favorite of all time though was the Logitech Trackman Vista. Absolutely perfect form factor that Logitech just gave up on one day and I will never know why.
Looks like it’s a finger ball, rather than the thumb ball Logitech usually favours? Middle finger on LMB, ring finger on RMB? Ohhh, THUMB on LMB.
Well the beauty of it was that it was comfortable to use with index finger or thumb. Which was nice when you were doing something precise or wanted to do something that involved a lot of broad movement.