I mean music videos that have nothing to do with the music and mostly just do their own thing and tell their own story.
An example –
Basement Jaxx’s Red Alert seems to be about a meteor-worshiping cult awaiting the arrival of their rocky messiah in some unsuspecting greasy spoon cafe in the middle of nowhere.
Once the meteor crashes into Earth, everyone gets horribly mutated and convulses to the strange rays exhibited by the meteor. The infection seems to be localized entirely within the cafe. The End.
Edit: Please link to a video, or at least summarize the plot.
Edit2: Please actually link to a video, or tell me why the video plot is cool. Come on, it’s just 30 seconds of your time.
Well… It’s difficult to even say wtf is going on there 😅
Lone Digger by Caravan Palace. It’s about a murder-brawl at an animal strip club.
Also, Mr. FEAR by SIAMÉS has a nice animation about an alien (?) and a human merging to make a larger alien (?).
Love it - it’s like if Zootopia was more honest about it’s seedy underbelly
Come now, DJ Snake Turn Down for What makes no sense but is amazing.
'twas directed by the guys behind Everything Everywhere All At Once
A lot of movie directors start with commercials and music videos. It is training for making long videos by making a lot of short ones.
That’s a lot of fun. I’m gonna go with: guy gets infected with a restless virus that makes body parts indestructible. Transmission is spread through breaking floors and body slamming people. Once it exhausts its hosts it lives on that guys dick. 10/10
Any one of the Lorn videos.
Murders. I don’t want to spoil any more than that because it has a twist.
When a strip tease goes just a bit too far.
This actually gave me nightmares as a child and I was only recently brave enough to watch it again after finding a behind-the-scenes on it on YouTube to squash my fears
I’ve never seen it before but after your comment had to check it out.
That was unexpected.
The daddy of my babies doing a striptease?!? The first 2:55 of this video could have made my life so much better. God, he’s beautiful.
There is no video plot here. It’s just some guy having frankfurters thrown at him.
I think it’s a metaphor.
She’s not gonna pick you up, Phil, she’s just stopping for the iguana.
Phil can’t dance, so maybe that is the reason why he’s being blatantly ignored by the pretty lady.
Einstürzende Neubauten - Sabrina, maybe not the weirdest, but weird enough to have stuck with me for the past 20 years
I feel like I could suggest most of Salvatore Ganacci’s catalogue here, but I think Take Me To America is probably the winner. Join a determined Bosnian man on his quest to for a better TV signal
His music is not my thing but goddamn does he make some awesome videos.
Wow, really loved this one. The unspoken rejection and then acceptance by his mother, the quest to infiltrate US conservatives to get into a position to
assassinatechange the transmission of brain rot seen in his country. And then to swim into oblivion a task well complete
Telephone by Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce. The song is about not answering your phone in the club because you’re dancing. The video is about Beyonce breaking Gaga out of prison and then tracking down and murdering an ex boyfriend. It also has some top tier crazy Gaga costumes including a set of shades made of lit cigarettes. Good track if you like dance-pop as well!
you should check this out too… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11CKOAQDsbg
That is absolutely amazing, I love it! I really hope Gaga has seen this
So her music videos are a bit strange, but they’ve got nothing on the dozens or hundreds of random other videos (some of which are crazy long)