The post in question: Dr. Tony Pastor, a cardiologist at Texas Children’s Hospital and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine, went on to post a TikTok on November 11 telling patients they’re not obligated to answer the question (Are you a US citizen?).
That tree should have finished the job.
Bunch of WATBs with the thinnest of skins.
The beautiful thing about this EO is that a) it requires medical providers to remind patients that their care won’t be affected by by their response, and 2) nowhere in the EO does it say that patients have to answer or answer truthfully.
So yeah, stick that up your ass and spin, Abbot.
Ethical life pro tip:
Do not vacation in the US.
And if you’re in the US, don’t vacation or otherwise financially contribute to any red state.
(I say that living in a red state that gets a lot of its funding from tourism).
Ah… so Florida, huh?
Could be Louisiana too
Ahhhhh, that’s right. Sin City of the South would be in a red state.
Whenever I make the unfortunate decision to visit home, I have to drive through West Virginia. I always fill up before the state line, because I refuse to contribute to their economy. I also take back roads around the tolls, as they would have me pay upwards of $15 each trip through. The back roads inevitably lead me past wide swaths of entrenched poverty. Burnt down trailers, smoldering in the trailer parks, with their drumpf flags and “friends of coal” signs. It’s pathetic.
I am glad my red state of Misery has only one toll road that I’ve never had to use.
But remember, both sides equally bad
So much love for the children from the pro-life party.
I am so glad the American people gave them every lever of power again. This country is full of morons.
Too many people sowing apathy for the Democratic Party. Cutting off their nose to spite their face. There may be no going back now.
The Dems did that themselves when they ran to the right of Reagan.