Giving similar vibes to the FBI sketch of the dude who killed logging CEO’s
Reminds me of db cooper
Has anyone questioned Guy Fawks yet?
This Guy Fawkes.
Fawkes was a religious fanatic who sought to blow up the English Parliament to replace it with a theocracy, so as an actual historical figure, he’s not much of a progressive role model.
That’s all correct and everything, but you do get that this was just a stupid pun, right?
Also I’m pretty sure people are onboard with the blowing up part, not the replacing thing.
Here is a tip. Most people would be more likely to call the cops on someone shoplifting food to feed their children.
Gosh that gentleman has a nice smile. And he allegedly brought a smile to millions of Americans nationwide, too!
Looks kinda like Jake Gyllenhaal
I was more thinking Dave Franco. The smile is definitely on point.
If Hollywood has taught me one thing, it’s that the hero is handsome and photogenic and the villain is a ugly and greasy…
I thought Jim Caviezel
The true face of heroism
Dude looks pretty young to have a healthcare beef. But what do I know about anyone’s life.
I’ve wanted to kill these motherfuckers since I was 23 and they killed my father. I’m 35 right now and just waiting for the right opportunity to do so.
They probably killed someone close to him.
I have an alibi, I was at work. But I was cheering the second I heard the news. I owe the killer a beer.
Maybe edit the end of that first paragraph?
For what, committing a thought crime?
We are on after all. And you’re even signed up there.
Aww, the libs who run lemmy world can’t handle murderous thoughts? How about an insurance company administratively murdering people for profit? That’s fine right?
Also, I was new to the federated system so I joined the biggest server. They can ban me and I’ll go elsewhere. I’m not censoring myself.
That’s the spirit! It would probably only be a comment removal or maybe temp ban but something to think about.
Thanks but I’m gonna keep my thought crimes up with pride. Let them ban me.
My healthcare beefs started younger. By the time I graduated college I’d done more rounds than I’d bothered counting over pre approving the same meds I’d been on for years and if you remember those scary government death panels that they told us were why we can’t have single payer healthcare, well a corporate one killed my mom.
Like I’ve expressed that pain a fair bit in the past day and it’s not even that I think it was inexcusable for that decision to be made, but I’d spent years hearing about this nightmare scenario as a reason to keep a broken system only to find out that we already had it except without the ability to vote to change policies.
In America, on one of the worst days of your life, regardless of your age, a health insurer may very well be there to add some salt to the wound of your tragedy or to make you worry that your uncertainty of if you’ll live might make your family lose their house.
Lost my dad and my home. I’m so fucking ready to kill these assholes. Our politicians won’t hold them accountable. Our justice system won’t hold them accountable. They live lives of absolute luxury while we suffer. It’s overdue. I hope these CEOs never sleep another night restfully. I hope this is only the first…
Yeah, I just keep coming back to thinking that I wouldn’t even mind if it was a decision made without a profit motive. It was horribly painful and she wanted desperately to survive as long as she could even if it was a life of chemo and pain. But if it was something like the NHS deciding between people getting a fourth go against glioblastoma or keeping rural emergency rooms open and decided that with their limited funds that’s the better option to save more lives I’d understand. But no, it’s for profit, it’s unaccountable, and it fights constantly against such things and against ever serving the public
I love the username btw.
Yeah, it’s one thing to ration care at the end of life where the focus is on making a dying person comfortable rather than try to prolong the inevitable as we humans no matter how much we spend trying we can’t live forever nor should we and it’s better to use limited resources to prolong the lives of those who are not near death. But the profit in it is what’s sickening and IMO part of the heart of our decline as a country (capitalism being the main culprit but other countries are capitalist and not nearly as dystopian as us - everything ties back to our fucked healthcare system and liability)
Agreed on all points. The republicans freaked out about the “death panels”, but obviously they didn’t really care if people died or not.
They just wanted them to be profitable death panels and to make people rich.
Maybe a family member? He’s old enough to see a grandparent have the quality of their last days stolen.
Yeah, could be anyone. A partner, parent or grandparent, sibling, friend… Lots of ways healthcare could negatively affect anyone’s life.
He’s old enough for it to be a parent or a child.
I swear to God this is like the 10th post I’ve seen of this guy’s face and not ONE is serious about tracking the killer. I fucking love it.
How do we even know that’s the killer? The person who shot was wearing a mask. For all we know it wasn’t even a man, some women are flat chested it’s possible. They should probably just call off the investigation since there’s no clues for anything.
Isn’t he wearing different clothes in the pics where his face is visible? And the cops are saying he changed clothes? Which could be true, but also could not be true…
I think any cop who disagrees with this should get transvestigated.
Remember, if you know anything about this guy, NO YOU FUCKING DON’T.
Idk I hear he’s already in Perth
I heard he rode a weather balloon to the ISS. There’s no extradition agreement in space.
I thought it was Toronto?
I heard he was heading to Portugal, or was it Brasil? Better check there as well.
but I know he in innocent, are you saying I do not know he is innocent?
Remember. Talking to the police can never help you. Don’t tell them you know him. Don’t tell them you don’t know him.
This MF wrote “Delay” and “Deny” on his bullets just because.
I’m sure even the people who do actually have info about him won’t be saying anything soon.
Relevant thread here
Hey man don’t help the cops with more coverage of this guy’s face
(It’s a joke I know it’s already absolutely everywhere)
This is a perfect use of AI. Flood the internet with variations of the original image.
Yell that you have exclusive CCTV footage of him and post those fever-like AI video continuations instead.
Shown him turning into Batman on one.
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it’s not a crime to give false tips, right?
It is. Unless of course, you didn’t know it wasn’t true and you call again in 3 days to let them know your realised you were wrong.
Actually it very explicitly is not. Per there website:
“Is Crime Stoppers part of the police? We are NOT the police.
All local Crime Stoppers programs act as the “intermediary” between the Tipster and the investigative/police agency. They are not-for-profits and mostly registered charities that are operated by volunteers from the community. The programs rely on donations from sponsors, community partners and the public through individual fundraisers, to support their efforts.”
It is not a crime to lie in most circumstances, that includes to the police in some cases. In most jurisdictions you cannot lie about your name and address and while under oath. Everytime else is free game.
The grin reaper
Oh, yeah, we usually warm up the house with a hoody fire. You start with some cardboard and then you just add the hoody when it’s burning nice and hot. Hard drives, laptops, etc, finger tips. Oh that black stick flute? Its a Mayan death whistle! You blow here and you pull this little lever right here is you’re in a hurry and really need to go…you know what I mean?
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Cops also have to deal with insurance companies 🤷🏻
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Yes, keep posting this guy face, that’ll help him bigly
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It’s Jerma985