A teenage boy created and released three memecoins, earning over $50,000 by selling his holdings before the price crashed (“soft rug pull”).
The backlash was swift, with the boy and his family doxed and facing threats from angry traders.
While the legality of such actions is unclear, the incident highlights the risks and ethical dilemmas in the unregulated memecoin market.
Bitcoins should be used as god intended: buying prescription drugs from India. Most everything else is a circlejerk of stupid.
Is this really a thing? Do you have any recommendations?
This isn’t heavily controlled stuff. Antidepressants, heart medication, gi prescriptions, stuff insurance should cover but deductibles, yada yada. Sky Pharmacy.
I’m not sure what current market place is the go to, but I would tread with caution.
I was in a bad way with Xanax a few years ago and used to order them on a darkweb marketplace, I nearly ruined my life and risk death from withdrawals.
There is also the risk of other chemicals being found in prescription drugs , such as fentanyl which can kill you with even trace amounts of it.
All that said I made dozens of orders and only ever had one not arrive. It goes without saying you should be making small orders for money you’re happy to lose. It’s often not the seller that will rip you off, but the marketplace doing an exit scam.
Wasn’t there a news piece about an eyedrop from India that killed a few people and made others go blind because of some bacterial infection?
Yea, some medicine exported from India to African countries had quality issues, there was also another news about a cough syrup which caused child death
I use dogecoin because it has lower fees and a cute dog in the app
Only fools use Bitcoin for shit like this when Monero exists.
Edit: To clarify, I mean for privacy and security purposes. I’ve got no intention of selling anyone on crypto lol
Ahh, there it is. I’m a fool. I don’t care what the stroke to tip ratio or whatever is on Bonero. I’m not interested in the technical wanking details. I merely wish to purchase goods and services.
I’m not investing in crypto. That’s what precious metals, the stock market, and real estate are for.
Bitcoin costs me $3 a transaction or so, everybody takes it, it’s easy.
Oh I’m not talking about that shit either but OK.
I was assuming you meant buying illegal (or quasi-legal) drugs, and in that case, using Bitcoin is very dumb.