Looking for recommendations for good ear protection during concerts. I want ear buds that don’t just muffle all the sound but limit higher unsafe frequencies while allowing you to still enjoy the music. I did a search and came up with a bunch of different kinds and varying reviews on amazon, I also asked my friend who is in the live audio business and he said I needed custom molded IEMs but that seemed a little over kill for me, even if it’s the best way.
This Site shows the common ones I’ve seen.
EDIT: thanks everyone for the reaponses, I will go through and look at each of the recommended solutioms works best for me.
A colleague of mine got tinnitus after a concert when he was a teen, and its been a life long torture. He is now 37 and the ringing never stops, ever.
It’s affecting his entire life. He has to wear noise protection when out in public, to prevent any loud noises, which makes him not hear what people are saying. Dating is hard, girls thinks he is not listening when he can’t hear them. People stop having conversations with him. It’s quite hard emotionally.
Be very careful to even risk this.
I have the Earasers with their case and keep it on my keychain. Super happy with them. Use them as drummer for all the rehearsals I do without my IEMS or any loud concerts I go to. Super comfortable and I can still talk to people fine with them in since they don’t muffle the sound too much.
Just got a pair of eargasms too but haven’t put them through their paces yet, but they’re a different style of earplug that’s more substantial but might have slightly better sound. They’re also a little cheaper usually and they come with a case.
If you get the Earasers case make sure to sinch it tight when closing otherwise it has a habit of unscrewing in your pocket.
The eargasms look good also, ill compare them to the earasers and see which ones fit my needs best.
While I was playing in a band, I was using some earplugs like these: Alpine MusicSafe Pro - Clear / Thomann.de. I was wearing them for every band practice and shows. It wasn’t the exact same ones though. I can say I still have a good hearing today, I can still hear the high pitch noise from some power supply and I don’t have any permanent ringing in my ears. So, they did a good enough job for me, standing next to a angry drummer and maxed-out guitar amplifier twice a week for 4 years :)
Yep. They also have a range of amateur plugs (sounds kinkier then meant), like the SeepDeep or Partyplugs. They are generally pretty great.
I second this, I’ve been using the Alpine MusicSafe plugs (older version than the ones mentioned above) for more than 10 years now. Comfy to wear even for a whole festival day.
I worn these to a gig for the first time recently - excellent.
I use the Sennheiser Sound Protex Plus and am satisfied.
I own a pair of Etymotic ER20XS ear plugs and I like them. I haven’t had the chance yet to try them out at a concert, but I have worn them on other occassions. I think they’re reasonably comfortable and the sound quality is still good while wearing them.
I’ve been using these for years for concerts, gym classes and always take spares to festivals to give to friends. They are designed for an even 20db cut when listening to music. They have the same fit as the cheaper ER20 but the xs have clearer top end.
I use them 3x a week and have a few pairs. They don’t last forever as the baffles get softer over time. At $40 they last me a year which is pretty good value.
I have a set of vibes and like them
I’ve used Mack’s Hear Plugs at a couple concerts. Inexpensive and the music actually sounded better and less muddled than full volume.
You want shooting ear buds. They actually amplify quiet sounds, pass normal sounds through, and muffle sounds above the threshold. But they won’t really work as you want, because the entire concert is above the safe threshold. That means they’ll effectively just be ear plugs during the whole show, so you might as well just get ear plugs for 50¢.
Go to a local music shop and look for musician’s earplugs with a rated dB reduction. At least -8dB, but a bigger reduction won’t make your experience worse, it’ll just make things even quieter.
I have some from a major guitar manufacturer that I’ve been using at the infrequent shows I go to for a decade. They were $10 then, and it looks like that’s still true. I clean after using, but I wasn’t really expecting to get this many shows out of them.
They don’t muffle sounds, it just sounds quieter. Without earplugs I need to stand on the other side of the room/field to be comfortable. I’ll still leave with ear pain and feeling exhausted. With earplugs I’m comfortable right in front of the speaker stack, and leave feeling exhilarated.
They’ve been a huge upgrade in my enjoyment of shows and I’m very grateful to my friend for dragging me to the shop and making me buy them.
That’s a good idea. For some reason I didn’t even think to go to guitar center. Thanks!
My wife has custom ear plugs with swappable filters. One type of filter is meant for concerts, whereas another type filters out wind noise. She uses the latter type on her motorcycle trips. This kind of ear plugs can be bought at audicians back here in Yurp. I am not sure about other contintents.
Do you happen to know the brand? I’ve been looking for plugs to reduce wind noise without also cancelling out the sound of my motorcycle.
I think Alpine.
Etymotic makes exactly what you’re looking for.
That said, there is no such thing as hearing protection that doesn’t muffle high frequencies at least somewhat. But what you can do instead is buy earbuds with ANC + audio pass through and foam tips. But keep in mind that the audio will be colored by the frequency response of the headphones, making live audio sound more like a recording. You’ll still get the benefits of the live experience, however, because you’ll still be able to feel the bass.
Keep in mind that these kind of earbuds are basically hearing aids, however. So they won’t be cheap. They’re known as “hearables” and “OTC hearing aids”. And not all of them form a seal around your ear, which means that not all of them are suitable for hearing protection. Which why you’ll need to do your homework and find some that have foam tips. Also be prepared to spend hundreds, possibly thousands.
Or you can just deal with a little bit of muffled audio and buy the Etymotic earplugs. That’s what I would do.
I asked a similar question to this a couple of weeks ago due to me needing them for work, and I ended up going with the Loop Experience 2 and they’ve been fantastic.
They dampen the sound around me but I can still hear voices clearly, and they’re really comfortable and I barely notice I’ve got them in.
I hated loop earplugs - they just did not work for me. These did and we’re significantly cheaper: https://a.co/d/02gC45R.
They were great at volume lowering while still letting the vocals/mids through, and critically they were comfortable for the entire concert.
I got an error with the link you sent
Oops, try this - the brand name is Mumba and the ASIN is B07GYXJZRY. Search for the ASIN on Amazon and it should pop up. They’re ear buds with a metal carrying case for currently $14.36 USD.
Found it, thanks!
Earasers for me. They have a selective band pass to let vocal frequencies through. Airplanes, concerts, monster truck shows you name it, I’ve used mine and can practically have a normal conversation.
+1 for earasers. They’re very efficient and comfortable , and I wear them for 12 hours a day for 4 days straight during Hellfest each year.
I use eargasm ear plugs. They increase the clarity while decreasing the decibels. https://eargasm.com/products/eargasm-high-fidelity-earplugs?variant=44275577225517
I also use Eargasm earplugs. They work great. You can still hear the music and whoever you’re talking to next to you, but things are just quieter. I’ve even recommended them to my autistic friend who struggles with sound and they were an immediate convert.
Can’t go wrong.
I own Alpine MusicSafe Pro earplugs, but they filter high/mid frequency too much. Guitars are way too silent at concerts and the sound gets very bass heavy. Do Eargasm plugs have similar problems or are things really just quieter?
I was wearing Eargasms when I saw the Smashing Pumpkins and I didn’t notice any problem like that.
The high dB attenuation inserts are def worth the money.