According to the affidavit, 42-year-old Briana Boston used the phrase during a call with BlueCross BlueShield about a denied claim.
“Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next,” she allegedly said near the end of the call.
The “You people are next” line certainly adds some context to this story.
A bit, but it still doesn’t explain how this warrants terrorism charges and $100,000 bail. A visit from the police and probation or anger management courses? OK I still don’t really agree but it makes some sense. But not prison time. She’s getting punished harder than many rapists and child molesters.
MAGA paraded with more direct threats of violence on signs, after Jan 6th, with no accountability.
Why wouldn’t an insinuation of terrorism warrant a terrorism charge and a lot of bail money? That doesn’t make sense.
Remember this the next time the cops tell someone they can’t do anything about a stalker or angry ex threatening to kill them until they actually act. They can do something. They choose not to.
Judges too! He set her bail at 100K. Rapists get less than that.
The whole fucking system is as crooked as a $3 bill
I’ve had a loved one threatened by a drunk/high driver before. They (the asshole) nearly ran them off the road after swerving into the oncoming traffic lane, and my relative literally was doing nothing but drive the speed limit.
We had the full license plate number, and we met with the police after calling it in. The police then said they couldn’t do a thing. They didn’t even put out a call to get this guy off the road. They seemed legitimately bothered that we even reported the crime.
“You people are next” does seem pretty threat-ish, however:
After being charged with threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism, a judge set Boston’s bond at $100,000.
That is completely out of touch with what happened. “You people are next” not an act of terrorism.
It’s hard for me to agree this is a threat after media has spent years explaining why all of Trump’s language is actually never threatening or inciting violence, even after his language incited violence.
It’s easily argued that the statement was a warning, not a threat.
It is towards the ruling class. They can’t let this grow into something that threatens them.
So, no free speech in the US after all?
The lower classes must be kept in check otherwise they might realize how easy it would be for this to happen again. So let’s give a person a 100k bond, charge them with an act of terrorism for saying words fhat are literally used to describe the techniques of insurance companies
You can free speech on X and truthsocial about shooting Mexicans. But you can’t free speech on other platforms about shooting CEOs.
Because “free speech” can only align with the platform you are on. If it doesn’t align, then it is some other form of speech which is not allowed. Very simple.
Depends on how much money you have.
Paid speech
Elon Musk could tweet about this (he won’t, though, because he’s a shit-eating ass nozzle) and nothing would happen.
Nothing. Not a thing. They can do anything they want, but the poors get shit on and jailed.
Free speech doesn’t conver threats.
So, Trump will be arrested as well?
He should be, yes.
Never has been.
And also shouldn’t be
Her expression says I can’t believe this shit. I can’t, either.
Her expression says “I’m shocked that my white skin and light eyes aren’t absolving me of responsibility as usual”.
The first amendment to the Constitution of the United States does not protect speech that threatens or incites violence.
Without the means to do it it’s not a threat.
How do you know she didn’t have means to do it?
That’s up for the
copscourts to prove. This is a sham case. If trump said that shit he would be applauded “oh that’s just trump being trump!”He literally said that Liz Cheney in the face, and nothing happened.
No, that’s up to the courts and investigators to prove. Cops did the right thing here, for once.
That’s what I meant
Is it really a threat though? Idk. She’s repeating some words and saying “you’re next”, but not what they’re next for.
If she were a parrot yeah sure, but there she is, and yet, featherless
It seems pretty obvious what she was implying, but that’s what a trial is for. She may not have meant it, but it is clearly a threat of violence.
In all honesty it can be perceived as them being next in getting their claim denied and not only as the threat it as well be perceived.
It’s so very close to Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It that it could as well be a misunderstanding as a threat.If someone referenced a recent assassination then said, “You people are next,” would you seriously not take that as a threat?
I might.
That doesn’t necessarily prove it was meant this way and because we’re talking potential criminal offense it has to be proven it was meant as a threat if I’m not mistaken.Yes, that’s proven in the courts, not by the cops.
She said something that could easily be taken for a terroristic threat, given the context. It would be a bad thing to not take terroristic threats seriously. Whether she was being serious or not is irrelevant regarding her arrest.
I worked in a call center for several years and received no shortage of bizarre threats. Never once did I feel that any of the threats were worth being concerned about. Granted these would be threats over lack of warranty coverage on usually budget model phones so very different from health insurance where the dollar values and stakes are many orders of magnitude higher
They are going to have a tough time proving that in court. I bet this will get pleaded out to some small charge though.
You’re next…to get no health insurance cover.
Why? She was delayed, denied, and deposed. If it’s so bad then jail the insurer.
Depose is the assassin’s addition, not part of the healthcare tactics. You can’t depose someone who’s already at the bottom
I’ll make the textual argument that depose could mean “To lay down; to divest one’s self of; to lay aside.” Which i believe applies.
Clearly what we all mean when we say depose is get them in front of a lawyer asking questions on the record.
I’ve heard worse death threats in Fortnite.
I’m not convinced it’s a threat. She didn’t say she was DOING anything, just that nobody is putting up with their shit anymore…
The last part was probably it but its clear they are scared. That fills my heart with joy.
I hope the CEOs lie awake at night with fear in their cold dead hearts.
No they don’t, and you know it. There will be less in person meetings tho. Or at least more often at retreat locations, not at the usual headquarters.
My my aren’t we the butthurt bunch these days? heh
Seriously this is fairly extreme given the public’s delight in the shooting.
They think they’re making an example. That this will have a chilling effect.
They’re wrong. All this is going to do is radicalize even more people. As it should.
I’m sure the “Free Speech” people are up in arms about this, right?
please, the free speech brigade only protects important speech, like calling for minority executions
Yes, actually, I am. This is nowhere near an actionable threat and arresting her over it is insanity and should be criminal itself.
It was the, “You people are next”. If she had just used his catchphrase I doubt we’d be here.
I didn’t think that holds muster either. It could mean many different things, even in context. The bar for true threats in the US is very high, as it should be. They clearly wanted to make an example of her to nip this class consciousness in the bud, and our legal system is certainly prone to bad decisions and practices, but in theory I can’t see this passing that high bar.
You need the credible threat cheat code. We should vote to make it legal to kill health insurance CEOs.
Lol, catch phrase or actual corporate practice? Because quoting a company memo to said company is apparently a threat.
The depose part was the assassin’s, and she followed it with, “You people are next.” context is important, and context makes this a threat.
Threatening the hospital that was denying my father care, leaving him to die, was the only way I got into the literal board room to reason with them. I got them to resume treatment after they dicked around for a month and he refused to leave because he was going to die if he left.
He still died because he was so sick at that point that they couldn’t do the procedure he needed when he first arrived.
So I threatened them in 2010, and I’d fucking do it again now for my child. We are supposed to stand up for our loved ones.
What did you threaten them with? Thats the most important part.
Financial extermination. But threat of violence would’ve been my next step in trial and error. It’s my family… I’d do anything for them. People even told me I should’ve. It was a tough situation and I was young. A little younger than Luigi.
Once you threaten violence, its a ticket straight to jail. Not very effective
Yeah, threatening violence is useless currently. Either act on it or have a plan B.
Well I wouldn’t say that. But threats of violence are best done anonymously
Ok yeah fair enough
It’s disgusting. There needs to be legal recognition of all that is at stake for patients and their families. The denial of necessary care is structural violence and should be treated as such by everyone.
Maybe if you get another vote?
As in, if trump doesn’t turn the country into a dictatorship, hopefully we have a future candidate that will treat health care as a human right? 🤞
Agreed. It’s straight up murder
got them to resume treatment after they dicked around for a month and he refused to leave because he was going to die if he left.
I had to play this card once, too. I was in the cardiac unit for 28 days, and they were going to send me home because they couldn’t figure out what was wrong, and the insurance decided I wasn’t worth the expense anymore.
I refused to leave until they gave me a diagnosis, because i would have just died otherwise.
Pretty sure the healthcare system still wants that.
What was wrong?
Dysautonomia causing SVT and sinus arrest. I have a loop monitor now and am on heart meds.
e: they wanted to send me home with ‘anxiety’.
After being charged with threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism, a judge set Boston’s bond at $100,000.
“I do find that the bond of $100,000 is appropriate considering the status of our country at this point,” the judge said.
For responding with the catchphrase insurance companies themselves created and live by. This isn’t the suspect’s catchphrase, but apparently even uttering these words back at health insurance companies is too much for them.
Well, “depose” isn’t pat of it. The killer added that part.
“you people are next,” also isn’t part of it.
You mean basically the same sort of vague threat Trump has thrown around for decades that no one does anything about when it isn’t directed at the rich, just at society in general?
This discussion has nothing to do with Trump. But, Trump should absolutely be in prison for his threats.
Ah, sorry, didn’t realize all we had to do to solve the world’s problem was switch over to idealistic make believe land.
Well, depose isn’t actually a type of pat, so I don’t know what you are on about.
You said:
the catchphrase insurance companies themselves created and live by.
And I just said she added the part that the killer added too - depose.
Actually, you didn’t, if we are being pandantic about it. 🙃
Okay, that’s what I was trying to convey.
The status of our country? What does that mean exactly?
The plebians are uppity
Correct, but the best way to deal with a moron talking in dog whistles is to ask what they mean by that and play dumb till they say the quiet part aloud.
Sure, but the judge isn’t in this thread, so…
Thank goodness for that freedom of speech we have …
Just dont say what I dont wanna hear
Well, she actually said “Delay, Deny, Depose. You people are next,”
That’s a pretty direct threat. The headline is misleading.
That’s worth 100k bond? Really? That’s more than voluntary manslaughter.
They’re afraid of the common man now
They are supposed to be…
I know
I don’t think so, no. Context is everything though. Before the assassination, just free speech, after, a threat of significant violence.
Also, free Luigi!
I suppose so, but the thought process of just jailing any verbal dissent… how long can, a healthcare system of all things, run on fear?
Well, it’s not just any dissent, it a threat of violence. If she didn’t say, “you’re next” I’d be agreeing with most of the people in this thread.
Whoever posted this left that part out of the post. I wonder why.
Where is the actual threat? You people are next, to get delayed, denied, or deposed.
Pointing out that what someone is doing puts a target on their back isn’t necessarily you threatening them.
It’s because she said they’re next, and it was recorded. Threats aren’t protected speech.
The state threatens people all the time.