When i was a child, i believed autopilot really worked like in the movie Airplane, that it was an inflatable dummy.
Tigers are female lions.
they aren’t‽
interrobang spotted
I’m a hwat!?
The “dogs are boys, cats are girls” one is a very common answer to this question on reddit.
When I was a young lad I thought milk was cow pee and was super confused by the world.
I thought that you would get your grandparents by just going into a train station and picking some random (preferably older person) to be your grandparent.
I was convinced that my parents had done that for me, and that’s why I had grandparents.
That the Empire State Building is a restaurant named Empire Steak Building.
Me ordering the ribeye.
Wait… wait… [chewing] he’s got a point
Surely there’s a chain of restaurants or butcher shops in New York called Empire Steak, right?
That tv programming would pause when I turned the TV off.
That cats and dogs were the same animal, the cats were the girls and the dogs were the boys
I had a friend who thought sparrows were baby pigeons
That’s funny
I was gonna add this one until I found this. So you weren’t the only one.
…there are at least three of us!..
That we would live in peace
The USA was the moral leader the world. But I watched CNN as a kid so…
Been French, thought that. The propaganda is/was huge on this one
I thought that the Michelin tire company was headquartered in Michigan, USA and not France. In my defense, most of the US auto industry is based in Michigan, and they sound similar.
Also: I will never accept the “fact” that the Michelin Man is named “Bibendum”
My dad has this long running bit, that if I needed his help on something, he needed to go to the shop to get a “round tuit”. I remember asking what store he had to go to, and how much it cost, and being annoyed at how he hadn’t gotten a round tuit yet.
He must have thought I was really committed to the bit.
my stepdad had a round tuit. you can buy them!
Two that come to mind:
People would say that’s an “old timey” car or something and I thought that was a brand name.
I thought the people who had really tall spiky mohawks had hair that just grew like that.
that you’re supposed to show a middle finger as if you were showing it to yourself
When my daughter was about 1.5 she would wave like that, waving so she could see her hand correctly.
Not long after that she’d dismiss people she didn’t want to deal with with a little blown kiss and a wave. So at the doctor’s office they had two nurses come in to give her some shots and she kept doing the little kiss and wave and they went “aww she’s blowing kisses” and my wife said “no she’s actually trying to dismiss you”
I thought space rockets had to wait for. Ight to go into space. If they took off during the day whey would just go into the blue sky like planes do.
I was always phlegmy and coughing as a kid so I became convinced I had diphtheria and would die soon, and thought it would be terrible to let my parents know this sad fact. Turns out it was because 1980s parenting meant smoking anywhere and everywhere at all times and cigarette smoke makes me ill.
Wow. When I started doing theatre in 1983 smoking was becoming evil. Restaurants were required to have nonsmoking sections. The drama instructor quit and was a militant anti-smoker.
Yes there was starting to be some pushback and health education, but most people still smoked at home, and literally everywhere in the home. Your child’s bedroom was fair game. It’s a terrible thing to be in the car in the winter with the windows rolled up and your parent chain smoking away until your eyes swell shut. I know an older nurse who used to work at the pediatric hospital, and she would follow the pediatrician on rounds with an ashtray as he rounded on these children, trying desperately to keep the ashes off the children.
I scraped my knee and thought that putting skin-coloured paint on it would heal it
I don’t know quite why this is so funny but I laughed a lot. That’s so cute.
are you a Warhammer’s Orc?