Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
The best way to consume raw chicken is in cocktail form, specifically the pollo colada. It’s like a piña colada, except you substitute raw chicken for the pineapple.
Maybe we can speed the process up by convincing them to eat raw chicken, too.
Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
The best way to consume raw chicken is in cocktail form, specifically the pollo colada. It’s like a piña colada, except you substitute raw chicken for the pineapple.
Mama’s Coconut Chicken
libs want to ban raw chicken smoothies
Oh god, I fucked myself up with some drunkenly not-grilled-right chicken a couple weeks ago, still not in the mood for chicken lol.