They either look like they need to shit or are eating an invisible popsicle
Smells like PR copy parading as news, what click bait was actually removed vs what they said they would? What’s the criteria to qualify as click bait?
Writing (not clickbait) in the title obviously
YouTube says the policy will combat “egregious” clickbait that misleads viewers, with a particular focus on videos related to “breaking news” or “current events.” The company’s examples of egregious clickbait include a video with the title “the president resigned!” that doesn’t actually address a resignation or a “top political news” thumbnail attached to a video with no news content.
sounds like anything that says it’s one thing but does a whole different thing
Sadly it’s only in India atm, and doesn’t result in a strike(yet) so I doubt many are going to care.
You guys buying this baloney ?
I heard Facebook is spent tons of money to combat election misinformation in 2016 and 2020 and I heard the same story again in 2024. The problem is solved right?
What? Most likely in favor of more profitable clickbait.
Haha nice try
Shout out to DeArrow, from the same developer as SponsorBlock. It replaces video titles and thumbnails with community-provided non-clickbait versions. Available as a browser extension, and is also built-in to several third-party YouTube apps, such as SmartTube.
Thanks, gonna add tomorrow
I feel a bit conflicted about that, do I want that extension to hide the terrible clickbaity titles and thumbnails? For me that’s a good reason to not watch these videos in the first place
I just saw a video posted here about how Tyler Oliveria is a liar and his content is bogus, but when youtube kept pushing that garbage at me the over the top AI thumbnails were enough to tip off it was going to be shit, and I had blocked him months ago lol
YouTube basically completely stopped recommending me those videos years ago because it learned I never click on them.
YouTube ruined Christmas. I can’t stand my relatives anymore, they watch every conspiracy clip and now they are a thousand miles down the rabbit hole and I can’t handle them for more than a few days a year. I hate evil Google or alphabet, or whatever they call themselves.
Or, you can bring back the dislike button and stop promoting videos with high dislike ratios.
Do comments first. There’s so much spam that almost looks legit because of how many upvotes they have.
And actual scams with 300+ upvotes. Not just copied comments that get edited layer, but entire chains directing people to whatsapp numbers.
I’d still take scam comments over “who is still listening in 2024?!” For a super popular song that came out in 2023 or for a timeless classic like Michael Jackson’s thriller
Those and “First!!!1!!” are obnoxious, but not actively harmful.
I am not referring to a like to dislike ration, I am referring to a dislike to view ratio. YouTube should bury those from recommendations.
And maybe stop making comments help the video get more popular
From what I’ve gathered from various big time 'tubers I’ve watched for years now, as they slowly trickle tidbits of info about what it’s like working as a YouTuber, and what tools and tips Google gives them to assist: Google/YouTube is the one that recommended using the types of thumbnails commonly employed by uploaders, along with a ton of other things that are ubequitous to the platform (such as the phrase “like, subscribe and ring that bell!”).
YouTube also decided that every video should be ten minutes long and made the algorithm recommend videos of that length so everyone had to start making their videos ten minutes long even if it made no sense to do so.
So, they created an algorithm that will only reward clickbait and completely ignore honest titles and thumbnails, then complain about their platform being one giant clickbait? Huh…
What the hell is wrong with the people here? Actual positive news for a while and what does Lemmy have to say? Complaining and cynicism. No wonder you’re so miserable all the time.
I haven’t seen any of the usual self-righteous “I only use self-hosted video services” comments in here yet though.
For years, every update YouTube has had has made the platform worse. I think its valid to doubt this will improve anything. That being said, I agree with you. Lemmy as a whole needs to calm down a bit and stop being so damn negative about everything.
Hating corporate is a warranted approach
They are not people, they are hostile threat actors.
Why are you shocked they get treated as such?
Bait homosapien do not engage
Sure, as soon as X cracks down on misinformation
[X] Doubt
Yeah sure they will. They’ll target small creators, but keep shit heads like the scammer Paul, the fake philanthropist Beast, and others
Top talent who made careers on clickbait will not be harmed
Pedophiles on set, no problem
Scamming people, no problem
Advertising and selling spoiled food, no problem
Say suicide, demonetized 🤡
Youtube will age restrict songs in my playlist with a word “fuck” in title but won’t do anything about unrestricted animated gore on a channel of a studio that does kid animations that I’ve reported long ago. 🙃
YouTube is clickbait. This is like them saying they’re going to crack down on their own advertising model.
Web architecture was flawed.
They went the simple fast way in times when changing a few completely incompatible realizations while looking for the working one was fine. People still used not just Apple and IBM PCs, but also Amiga and various kinds of Unix. Web reading via e-mail was a popular service. Many different technologies to get some connectivity to the big world. FIDO and so on.
So it probably seemed intuitive that when it becomes problematic, people will think of something better and stop using the flawed thing.
Except that assumption relied on fragmentation and incompatibility and variability, things that useful idiots for corporations were vilifying in late 90s and 00s, and managed to kill around late 00s.
So. Engagement-driven model is pretty similar to casinos. It’s profitable and anti-customer. What allows it in the Web - lack of separation between connectivity, storage and identities.
One can say it differently - the Web application layer should be higher than it is. IP and DNS can identify a site, that is, a computer or a cluster or something united. But they shouldn’t identify a website. Quite obviously. A website shouldn’t go down for the sole reason of some computer somewhere being shut down.
It also simply makes sense for the Web to work as some kind of a version control system - it just came into existence before those became the norm for things, well, requiring version control.
I don’t want to write yet another time what everyone will find by themselves in that direction of thought. In short, WWW was an experiment at networked hypertext systems, similar to Gopher, but nicer. It was intended for nice cool library things. It wasn’t intended as the “information superhighway”. Another system actually was - Usenet. Usenet lacks that flaw of the Web.
Except Usenet is morally obsolete. Some new kind of it, with cryptographic identities of users and of groups, some sort of “websites” represented by sequence of update messages in the same group (here’s version control), and probably something like realtime group chats, would be cool.
Youtube literally tell their wagies they need to make click but like this ugly ass thumbnails with up-close mug shots.
I am not sure what data they have to support it but I don’t click these thumbnails but mrbeastade a career off them lol
Veritasium made a video about it, his example video only performed better after switching the thumb and title to something more clickbaity.
LTT did the same experiment. The stupid O-faces just work