Pizza on payment plan is peak
Hang on, there are other countries?
Hang on a minute, there’s a plan to purchase a pizza over 6 weeks!? Do I understand that right? And no one is asking why people need a morgage to buy food!?
That particular ad is for a company called Zilch, which operates in the UK, not the US.
Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story
What a fucking terrible name for a company like that.
What do they produce? Zilch!
Patently false! They produce money for shareholders, by providing a really shitty way to pay for food.
The US objectively has the largest GDP in the world. That has nothing to do with economic health or equality. If the majority of US citizens thought their household economy was the greatest, Trump would never have won.
China has been steadily gaining on the US GDP since 2010, after the US peaked prematurely relative to the leading nations of the past. Economists expect China to overtake the US, just as the US overtook the UK in the 1880s.
The US has already peaked. Its economy will continue to fall into the middle of the pack while China gets its time on top.
Well China and India both have over a billion people, it would be weird if they didn’t eventually overtake a country with less than 1/3rd the population