The thing is like 90% in international waters, who cares if a government renames it the gulf of the the clown car for instance? I hope there’s an international body of geograph somewhere that brings reason to these matters.
He · Him | Staunch environmentalist and socialist | Cinema and video games afficionado
The thing is like 90% in international waters, who cares if a government renames it the gulf of the the clown car for instance? I hope there’s an international body of geograph somewhere that brings reason to these matters.
They’ve always done that for other contested regions of the world (e.g. sea of Japan/Korea, West Bank/Judea and Samaria, East Turkestan/Xinjiang).
They don’t want to rile up potential personal gps data cash cows satisfied users.
Wait, you can host a website on a raspberry pi !? But is it really cheaper than shared hosting, for instance? And even then, quality-wise, it cannot be that good, can it?
My technique at the pub: focus on the sudoku of the daily newspaper until I’m drunk enough to engage in conversation and be unaffected by the chaos around me. Pros: pretty good for my social life Cons: pretty bad for my liver
True and, speaking of nuclear fusion, it’s a big if. Given the amount of “enough energy” needed.
Physics professor: That’s not true! You can make nuclear fusion with helium-3 which doesn’t make the reactor core radioactive over time. And I think that’s cool!
No need to shame people for their spelling. You never know, the person in question might not be a native english speaker or could have dislexia.
Isn’t that the definition of taxation and redistribution of wealth?
Reninds me when I stayed in this village in a guest room, for a civic mission. My host kept talking about the “black familly” in the village. And I was like: “Do you have anything to say about them apart from their skin color?” 🙄
That man has seen Back to the Future!
It’s probably a coincidence but Jean-Marie Le Pen died today you know!
If you ever try to build a public health system from the ground up in the US, don’t fall from the same mistakes we did in Europe. Namely, defunding public hospitals where most of the costly procedures happen and funding private hospitals with public money, where they mostly do low-risk profitable procedures. I could go on, but you get the irony.
Hang on a minute, there’s a plan to purchase a pizza over 6 weeks!? Do I understand that right? And no one is asking why people need a morgage to buy food!?
The “wait for the bar filling up” should be a documented addiction in WHO standards. 😅
I thought the US would be way up there given the intensive livestock industry there. But I guess we all underestimated the pig industry in China. They have multi-storey slaughter houses for pigs over there!
I would rather go looking in a bar or a club. It’s a bit warmer there.
Oh, that’s where the off button is! Excuse me, I’m just a peasant who only has a shovel and broom.
Prions are a big problem for cannibalism since they resist high temperature. So they’re still deadly even if the “meat” is well cooked. That said, Bones And All was a great film about cannibalism. And it was romantic, in a fucked-up way.
Just plug out the power cord, fuck it!