The US tends to be a lot more spread out than Europe and the rest of the world. It seems like we’re also more likely to move long distances for jobs and the like.
I’m pretty close to most family, 10 to 40 minute drives for everyone that doesn’t live out of state
My extended family is in Europe.
My sister is in Tennessee. I’m in Utah. Our parents are in California. We’re all a time zone apart. I’m an 11 hour drive from my parents. Or a 2 ish hour direct flight. 5-6 hour trip with connections and such. They’re an hour from the nearest airport. My sister has a harder time making the trip.
Everyone I work with is much better to family and it’s a little strange.
The lack of PTO is especially rough when my family is abroad.
Most of the family I grew up with live close together on the west coast of the US.
Oldest brother lives in the house my father built for us. My parents live in the house my father built for his mother. My other siblings live within 5 miles.
My family and I live in Europe, lol.
I moved over a thousand miles away at 18 and haven’t lived any closer than that in the decades since.
That sounds very intentional?
Yep. They aren’t the worst people but they aren’t great and I didn’t want that BS in my life. I also wasn’t much of a fan of the place I grew up so going somewhere far away and completely different wasn’t a difficult decision.
Too damn close sometimes.
I loved my parents when they still lived, and will love their memory until my last day. But I was glad to live a few hours away by car.
My mother is about 20 to 40 minutes away, depending on traffic. My identical twin is in the same household.
Every single other person I might be related to is likely several hundred miles away, unsure. I only saw them all like 2 times. A family reunion on each side of the family.
My parents and 4/5 siblings all live 1000 miles away. It’s cold where they live and I can’t stand the long winters.
For the last 13 years we lived about 2500 miles apart. You can make the drive in 4 days driving about 10 hours a day.
We recently moved back to our home state though, so it’s about 30 minutes drive to my in laws and 2 hours to my mom’s now
oh please, 2 days, for a measly 10 hour drive? that can’t be further than 700 miles, lol. I make a 15 hour drive (~roughly 980miles) yearly for our family Xmas get together.
granted that IS mostly just all flat land and pastures but still, put on an audiobook or two and you’re there before the second one ends lol
2500 miles.
About 20 minutes away. I wish it was farther sometimes.
In order of proximity:
- MIL - she lives a bit over an hour away by car on the opposite side of the metro area that I live in.
- Sibling 1, their spouse, & younger child - live 4.5-5 hours away by car, depending on traffic & pit stops. Different metro area in my same state (state 1).
- Nibling 1 (sibling 1’s elder child) & their spouse - live about 17 hours away by car in a sizable metro area in state 2
- Sibling 2, their spouse, & only child - live about 31 hours away by car in a rural-ish community in state 3.
Nibling 1 & sibling 2 could be reached much more quickly by flying. Direct flights to nibling 1’s city exist, but traveling to sibling 2’s city would require at least 1 layover+connecting flight and either 1 hour or 3 hours driving in a rental car, depending on which nearby airport we flew into.
Deceased kin & how far away they lived at time of death:
- FIL - cohabitated with MIL about an hour away
- dad - 3 hours away by car
- mom - 4.5 hours away by car (after dad died she moved to the same metro area as sibling 1, but half an hour drive from sibling 1, where she continued to live until she also croaked)
Not far enough
brothers in the same town, sister is one over, two others in same region but far out hours. same with in laws. cousins about as far while others are in other states. brother in another country.
Depends on which parts of the family.
Most of the people on my dad’s side are within an hour drive. Most of my mom’s side is technically in another state, but it’s only about a two hour drive. It would be less, but the fucking mountains.
Farthest away in state is a solid 3 hour drive. But, again, there’s people in another state that are closer as the crow flies, but across the mountains so that it would take an extra hour just to get to where you could drive to them. It’s one of those things where you can’t get there from here, you have to go somewhere else first.
But I can hop on my scooter and be at my sister’s in maybe five minutes. It’s walking distance if you can walk that kind of distance in the first place. My brother is maybe a half hour drive.
We’re on different coasts.
>1000 miles (that’s 1600 km to “edumacashiated” people) so ~2 days drive (or one REALLY long haul). And other family is 3x as far away. The USA is freaking YUGE!