One of the benefits of living and working in a liberal society is that stuff like this can get publicly published, discussed and rejected if deemed bad. Under totalitarian regimes that public forum is absent, which is why some of the worst ideas/atrocities of the Soviet Union only came to light years after they had happened (instead of being rejected before they could happen). When it comes to human rights, liberalism > communism, and it’s not even close.
there are far too many fucked up hentai plots that have the same lines
either way dude needs the nsa as his isp for a good bit
Oh, Brave New World!
I don’t know what this has to do with capitalism. This sounds like a shitty lab experiment which can happen under any form of government or economy. Oh wait I checked and it’s from .ML. I am posting this in the hopes to get banned from that entire instance because blocking didn’t seem to work.
Nah bro, just read more theory bro. You just haven’t had dialectical materialism explained to you the right way bro. Don’t worry bro, give me like a quick 4 hours and it’ll all make sense.
Marx was right about so many things it’s wild considering he was writing about this shit in the late 1800s. He wasn’t perfect but the fact that so much of it rings true in 2024 is impressive.
But like Jesus, it’s his fucking followers that are so goddamn annoying.
And the whole read more theory bro shit is fucking ableist and classist. I had a brain injury as a teenager and I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current (sure it’s not Shakespeare which is impossible to me even before the TBI but it’s also not 2024 English) and also very dense. Most Americans can’t read beyond a sixth grade level, good luck getting them to read theory when they won’t even read simple novels for pleasure.
And no amount of theory reading is going to make this anarchist support an authoritarian system. I don’t trust people in power even if they’re people I agree with. There’s something fundamentally wrong with people who seek power regardless of ideology…
Mikhail Bakunin sounds more your speed tan Marx
Probably. It’s on my reading list that I can’t seem to get to lol
I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current and also very dense.
The marx madness podcast was started with the intent to fill this obvious gap and make theory just a little more approachable. Highly recommend even if you aren’t able to read along and just use the podcast as a kind of sparknotes.
Thanks I’ll check it out
that paper has GOT to be a thinly veiled gruesome fetish manuscript, involving at least a couple corpses.
We don’t need more people in the world right now. We should be concentrating on figuring out how to agree on having and applying the best support for the ones we already have first.
You’ll be glad to know that populations around the world, particularly in energy-intensive nations, are starting to decline. Some, like the US, are propping this up with immigration (for now) but places like South Korea, Japan, and a lot of Europe have been below replacement for some time.
And to a lot of people this would be a good thing. Fewer people means less impact on the planet and more to go around for everyone. But a lot of our systems are predicated on eternal population growth. For example, a lot of countries have pension systems that require there to always be more young people paying into it than there is old people taking payment.
Then you have the problem of who does the jobs that these retired people rely on. If there are fewer young people to do all the jobs in society, how will the non-working elderly buy groceries or get medical care or have packages delivered or clothes to wear? Automation can solve some of this but not all of it, plus who’s going to develop and build the robots?
It’s going to be a very drastic change in how societies are organized, especially combined with how the Internet and climate change are going to affect society. Hopefully we’ll come out the other side a little smarter.
Goddamn ancient Chinese curse, stupid interesting times…
What does this have to do with capitalism?
If it becomes a thing capitalists could try to implement systems that make more brain dead women than would exist naturally, so that there are more babies to become workers. Look at for profit prisons and how we have more people in prison than any other country. If they want something they can pay to get it
But this came out of a public university in Colombia. Nobody ever suggested doing it for profit.
More babies = more future workers = $$$
Same logic for communism too.
Organ donation already exist. Doctors tried to kill someone that was still alive to get their organs.
I mean why save someone if they could just let them die so they can harvest the organs. Same thing with this.
Yea, not getting on the death list lmfao. If you are on the list, better opt out, now.
Capitalism is when bad stuff
Capitalists are freaking out over the declining birthrate because anyone with a brainstem knows “AI” and robots won’t replace human workers for a long time, and the machine is hungry.
can’t wait for the socialists to be out on the streets when other peoples money runs out
Please open a book. Remember: it only counts if it contains more sentences than pictures.
ive read more than you
Japan PM says country on the brink over falling birth rate
Famously socialist japan
Oh the hilarity! Someone on a French instance stepping in. 😁
Maybe this is more relatable to you:
France pension reforms: Macron signs pension age rise to 64 into law
And you are the loudest protestors as well! Thank you for very likely personally proving my point (IRL as well!)
can’t wait for the socialists to be out on the streets when other peoples money runs out
Go touch grass and do not reply.
Why are you linking all these imperialist nations with strong ties to capital and industry? I’ve never seen someone kick their own ass so hard. Most nations are capitalist nations. The globe is factually dominated by capitalist interests. Congrats, your ideology already won.
If “other people’s money” ever ran out we wouldn’t have billionaires.
This is exactly why conservatives have strong armed the judicial branch to backtrack and erase the legal precedent of roe v wade. Its not about their moralist grandstanding. Wealthy people will still be able to safely and comfortably access reproductive health care but their goal is to force poor women/ couples to give birth to children who will be unwanted, unaffordable, and ultimately neglected or even abused living in poverty or becoming institutionalized which will put them at an even higher risk of neglect and abuse.
They know that many people are now refusing to work for the absolute garbage wages they have standardized across the US labor market. 54 years ago one adult working a full time minimum wage job could support a family of four with enough left over to save for retirement, their kids higher education and go on a modest yearly family vacation. Today however it takes both adults working 2 jobs at 80 hours a week with overtime at a base pay of at least $30/hour which is quadruple the federal and double my states minimum wage. Back in the year 1968 minimum wage of $1.60/hr with gold at $35/oz earned 95 ounces of gold annually at 40 hours a week employment. That would be $260,000 today. Even in 1950 (75¢/hr) it was 45 ounces($120,000) a year and 1956($1/hr)was 60 ounces ($160,000) and in the same time frame where minimum wage has lost 84-93% of its value corporate executive pay has ballooned from 30-60 times the median worker salary to 1000-5000 times that same metric today
There are several historical events that I believe show our government has been hijacked by wall street mili And prison industry profiteers who now control and ultimately own our representatives and had them intentionally devalue the US dollar to eradicate the progress made by the labor and civil rights movements in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s while they adequately adjusted their executive compensation to cover this massive theft of currency value. Since then corporate tax has gone from 72% to just 14% today and the tax for income above $200,000 up till Reagan was 91% and today its no different from the tax rates payed by working class people.
And these thieving fraudsters know that people with even a basic level of intellectual understanding are refusing to produce labor when it isn’t worth their effort. More people now than ever are openly expressing dissatisfaction with the environment of labor and wealth distribution. So their solution is to force poor people to have children so they can reap the benefits by exploiting people who are so desperate they have no other option but to work for wages that don’t incentivize the production of labor and lack any amount of dignity. This is the ultimate reality to the recent reversal of roe v wade by a corrupt court owned by fascist plutocratic oligarchs.
It seems like its just ethno-nationalists freaking out. Capitalists have been tackling this problem with immigration for a long time.
Don’t forget AI and automation.
Immigration is going to stop working as developing countries develop
In about 80 years global population growth should finish leveling out, at which point immigration will become a more difficult strategy for all but the most popular destinations. In the meantime, development only seems to be a barrier for importing huge numbers of low skilled labor, and thats mostly because many of the jobs were exported directly to them instead. A more developed globe has actually been a boon for anyone looking to import skilled labor.
McDonalds threatened to replace their employees with machines, and when they tried it cost them millions…
“15 an hour? Meet your replacement!” was nothing but a scare tactic, if machines were viable they’d already be in use.
I imagine they will finally succeed in having robots running the operations, but there will be a warehouse full of underpaid wage slaves controlling the robots from somewhere in India
They already have robots taking orders and payments, I think the last thing that will be automated in Maccas will be burger assembly
Lol. What? Who? Which “capitalists”?
I swear, Lemmy is sometimes just as bad as the far right talking about “antifa”.
Nice try Hideo Kojima. You won’t be making the death stranding reality!
Gotta get that birthrate back up somehow, and having an equitable society obviously isn’t an option
reminds me of that one rimworld copypasta
Play it again, Sam!
Axlotl tanks?
The more I learn about the Frank Herbert novels, the more I realize how prescient and relevant they are to this day.
Oh hey capitalism wants to create the Daemonculaba.
My brother in christ, this is not OG sleeping beauty, wtf. How did they expect that conversation to go down?
“Yes, I know your daughter is brain dead, but good news, she will be able to breed for the nation! What? You don’t like the idea of state sanctioned rape and forced breeding?” It baffles me that some people really just see women as a vessal. No thoughts on how horrific that would be for any woman going into the hospital (if something goes wrong, I don’t even get a respectful death), and for their families should one of the worse case scenarios occur (“You can bury her after we’ve popped out a few wave slaves”). Not even thoughts on the children that would be produced by such horrors.
Literally anything than make the world a better place for people to raise children in.
No one sees Women as a Vassal buddy, but you do see Unborn Children as a “Cluster of cells” that can be murdered at a whim
You’ll be pleased to know that it would be perfectly possible to use men in persistent vegetative states as well. In theory, it’s perfectly possible for a male to carry a pregnancy ectopically. It just hasn’t been done, because as the embryo grows, it latches onto and messes up the internal organs. The placenta has to be cut out like a cancer afterwards.
But if we’re using people in vegetative states like this, there’s no reason to throw out half of our potential surrogates. Males in vegetative states could easily be used as one time use surrogates. You first castrate the male to nuke testosterone production. Then you introduce estrogen and progesterone. Finally you implant an embryo in the abdominal cavity. After it grows to term, you remove it surgically and let the surrogate father die.
If they’re suggesting the brain dead body of a woman be kept alive solely to breed, that’s very vassal like to me.
I regards to abortion, I absolutely believe that people start as a cluster of cells and would choose the mother’s life, livelihood, and happiness before the cluster. I think people that are “pro-life” are virtue signaling sycophants that are more concerned with being “right” over actually doing anything to help people. Imagine how many less abortions there would be if they put half of that energy into sex education, better access to contraception, and accessible education and extra curriculars. Imagine some of that energy pointed to the kids already here and needing support and care. But nah. Let’s all stand outside of a medical facility and scare the patients and be assholes online. For the cluster. 🙄
Unborn children get the fuck out of here. You don’t even care about the born children so get off your pious high horse of bullshit.
When you start supporting social welfare benefits maybe you can have a leg to stand on, but instead your insane ideology kills women and forces the birth of unwanted children who are the products of rape or incest, or who would not be viable for long in the world while risking the lives of the already living (mothers).
I do waaaaaay more than you, I value children’s lives over everyone else & I am a heavy supporter of social welfare The difference between me & you is that you support child-killing & I don’t As for mothers, these said mothers would rather use children as cash-cows & emotionally abuse them for fun (& I have the data to back it up, look up CircMoms) & since your priority is to kill unborn children & not punish the rapist
I say you are pretty much a bottom-of-the-barrel in term of humanity & are unwanted in this world, so you can screw off with your fake virtue-signalling, Pro-Child murder BS
You’re a real piece of shit.
Says the vile monster who prioritizes killing children over punishing rapists
Nah I’m a different person who happened to wander by and saw you expressing your fucked up misinformed beliefs while spewing hatred, vitriol, and putting words in other people’s mouths that they never said. Get bent.
LMFAO WTF women dying in childbirth is totally cool with you I guess
but you do see Unborn Children as a “Cluster of cells” that can be murdered at a whim
Do you consider acorns to be trees?
Ummm yesh, they’re future trees Do you think women’s lives are equal to that of an Acorn’s ?
Is an egg a chicken?
we need the original author’s names.
they need to be on a list somewhere for… additional oversight.
just saying you don’t come to this ‘scientific conclusion’ in a vacuum, someone needs to check the rest of their… social circle.
Lois Lowry. Wasn’t this a thing in The Giver?
man I read that so long ago, but I don’t remember this…
The only thing I took away from reading it in elementary school was the discovery that my english teacher couldn’t identify a pedophile if given a map, a copy of the criminal indictment for pedophilia and a big flashing neon sign that reads “pedophile”…
whenever I encounter people like that it makes me wonder if they’re pedos…
I think this specific one is more down to shifting cultural attitudes, but yeah broadly I certainly agree. Some people…
Well it was a woman philosopher and likely written with the dichotomy in mind that we accept brain dead organ donation while reviling paying people to sell one their kidneys/part of their livers/one of their lungs and also accept surrogacy while reviling this modest proposal.