The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
The Lone Ranger (2013). Yeah it’s at least a half hour longer than it should have been but I thought it was a fun movie
Rat Race
Trap - Absolutely ridiculous movie with an insane plot. Basically a promo for the director’s daughter to launch a pop star career IRL. It should be distasteful, and it is, however it was such dumb fun I’m ignoring all of those bad points.
I liked it too, josh hartnett is entertaining to watch!
my teen and i really enjoyed this movie. so absurdly stupid and a lot of fun!
As a non-fan, I thought the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies were well received. All the casual trek fans around me seemed to like them, at least
For me, it’s the movie Waterworld. I cannot get enough of that movie. So many people hated it. 🤣
Solid Film. Quirky characters. Everyone seems to be having fun.
It inspired me to buy a kayak a few years back to have my Autistic Fish Man Summer.
If paper is the most valuable substance in the entire world, then why are they continuously smoking cigarettes that are rolled in paper? That would be like eating a chunk of gold every hour.
In my headcanon it’s some kind of smokable kelp wrapped in different kelp.
Have you ever smoked? When you’re addicted you’d trade in a chunk of gold for a cigarette if necessary.
I once walked 10 miles to get cigarettes, so yeah, I guess I get that.
Pretty sure when I went to WB world or whatever as a kid they had one of those 15min live shows of it. Jestskis and a few explosions. Surly it can’t be thst unpopular.
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
I’ve never understood Costner hate. He’s a good actor who stars in a lot of good movies.
It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.
That was the first that came to mind, but I didn’t know it was very hated, just thought it bombed at the box office opening weekend because it was in competition with another movie that was way more popular.
I like Waterworld, and I like The Postman.
The joke in my friend group was that Waterworld was Dances with Wolves on water. The Postman was Waterworld on land. Dances with Wolves was the Postman with Native Americans. Toss in whichever parallel you feel works best to not actually say the movie you’re putting on.
Postman was great! The book is worth a read, too.
Haters: it’s just Mad Max on water
Me: that’s awesome
Lots of people hated Avatar (the blue aliens, not arrow forehead boy), but I loved that movie so much that I saw it twice in IMAX 3d.
It was one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Pretty much everyone loved that movie.
I’ve only ever read negative opinions of the movie in online communities. I suppose the types of communities I’m a part of aren’t indicative of the general public, case in point, Lemmy.
John Carter
This is kind of a cheat, as it’s been significantly re-evaluated since its release, so I’m not alone, but IMO Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is a masterpiece - it was HATED when it came out though, and even now I suspect there’s a lot of people who would say the same.
Fire Walk With Me was huge in Japan. There was Twin Peaks mania at the time. This is a great news story at the time about it:
The trailer park boys movies.
Caddo Lake
Super Mario Bros. with Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo. I don’t care how bad it is. It’s in the campy so-bad it’s good pool of movies and nothing anyone says can change my mind. The fact that they were drunk off their asses just makes it even funnier in my opinion.
I don’t think anyone hates it but Congo has a low rating online despite it being one of my favourite movies of all time. I can recite or word word
Alien Covenant.
People talk about the characters being unrealistic, I think they’re just different to movie characters and normal humans.
I really enjoyed the film.
I like all the Terminator movies. All of them. Time travel, killer robots, Arnold; I know it’s wrong but I can’t help myself.
Weren’t the terminator movies insanely popular?
Edit: i was thinking just the original 2 or 3 movies my bad. I don’t even think I saw the ones after that.
The quality dropped off a cliff after Terminator 2. This guy says he likes all of them.
Terminator 3 was great and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise. It completed the story nicely and put a little bow on top of it. If they would have ended the series there, I would have been satisfied.
Salvation was unnecessary, but fun to see stoned off my ass in theaters. Giant robots fighting on a big screen? Sign me the fuck up. Wouldn’t go out of my way to see it again, though.
I don’t remember a thing from Genesys but I remember enjoying it as well. Haven’t seen any other Terminator films.
The trilogy, yeah.
But they make up like half of the total now?
I can see liking everything up to Salvation, but the last two movies are mostly just lazy cash grabs.
I actually enjoyed Dark Fate well enough. It made some ballsy decisions and at least made a modicum of sense.
Dark Fate was awesome, “The Return of Sarah Connor” and all that; I like that they’re talking about divergent timelines leading to the same destination - humanity destroying itself through tech. I’ll admit that Salvation wasn’t great, but if you give me a choice between no Terminators in a movie and Terminators in a movie I’ll take the first almost every time.
I just want to see Terminator vs Predator.
I felt like the problem with Dark Fate was less that the film itself was in any particular way flawed and more that the universe doesn’t really have any more good stories in it.
There are many rich and fertile fictional universes where you can imagine new places and politics and technologies ad infinitum to tell new and exciting stories. There are character universes where you can dig deep into the families and relationships. But Terminator, fundamentally, is just “modern day world” with a very specific doomsday arc. The only story to tell that deserves to be called part of the Terminator universe is the story of thwarting that doomsday. And once you’ve done so perfectly via Terminator 2: Judgment Day, there’s literally no point in sticking around.
Johnny Mnemonic. Keanu cannot act for shit in it, the story isn’t exactly gripping, hell the action in it is somewhere in the shitter. Oh, and Henry Rollins is a nerdy doctor. All if it adds up to a campy trip of slop that triggers my guilty pleasure.