I wish I had an inverter microwave. That’s the one I am.
Learn to use the functions. Life changing. “Just nuke it” is for children and Neanderthals ✌🏻😌
Double time half power gang. It’s so much better. I can wait an extra 90 sec for it to be evenly heated.
I always go six minutes. Fight me.
There is no use for a microwave because I have good cooking tools and skill.
No-one brought up your cooking skills, though now I’m wondering why you’re instantly so defensive about them.
So reheating something takes at least 30 minutes for your oven to warm up?
You must work on your time management skills.
deep microwave lore here
.00001% - twice as long at half power, oh look the centre isn’t still frozen
So based.
My microwave sucks in that the “one touch start” feature always uses full power. To microwave on 50% power, you have to first touch set timer. Then input the time in full. Then touch power. Then input 5. Then press start.
To work around this I made one of the programmable functions microwave at 50% for one minute. There is a handy +30s so I can just press that button if I need to extend it.
Cheap microwaves have hot spots instead of even distribution of the microwaves inside the chamber. They use turntables to mask this issue, but the best option is to buy a high end microwave with even distribution. They will heat the food more evenly, and the lack of a turntable makes cleaning much easier
The guy on the left except I don’t even know the amount of time since my microwave was built in the mid-80s and takes longer to cook food (not sure if underpowered when it was built or some sort of degradation took place, it just came with the house).
When reheating food on a plate, I just put protein first for 30-60s, then add carbs (rice, pasta, or potato) and heat it all together for more 30-60s or until it’s steaming. Always full power.
Microwave for 5 minutes at 70%, no mixing or flipping just fire and forget. Go play Slay the Spire while you wait.
40% (900W microwave) at 4m30s is my default go-to for pretty much everything.
Except reheating my frozen lasagna. That’s 20% for 22minutes
I go 9 min at 50%
Yep ,90 secs at 100% does it for most things in mine
I don’t use the microwave that often, but doesn’t that result in explosion all the time?
And don’t we use Watt for that instead of percent?
Mine is only 1000w so I dunno if things pop in higher powered ones. Only things that rupture at 90 secs in mine are cheap chicken franks
Rice starts popping after 5 seconds on 850W in my microwave.
Hmm. Maybe there is a frequency variation between machines. Mine is barely warm at 1 minute
I am in Germany, maybe ours work differently. :)
See this comment by me: https://feddit.org/comment/3984361
just use cover
Guy on left, but for 5 minutes instead
Everything tells me it’s meant for an 1100 watt microwave, but my microwave is 1250 watts, so by setting it to 90% power, it’s almost perfect.
Obligatory netshaq post about the reheat function https://youtu.be/dpf3bxQVLu8
Love it