Ukraine lowered the mobilization age from 27 to 25 in April 2024 but resisted the international partners’ calls to further lower it to 18.
I always thought 18 seemed low, seems to me like an attempt to get them young and naive, and easier to mold.
21 should be the earliest IMO.@Buffalox @Cephalotrocity conscription is immoral. If a cause is right and just you should be able to find volunteers. If you can’t find volunteers perhaps you should rethink your mission.
Your premise is flawed:
- A cause can be right and just and people still not want to volunteer.
- Ukraine’s cause is right and just and they do have volunteers, just not as many as would be ideal,
- Conscription is not immoral if it serves the greater Good, and in this case it absolutely does.
If your reasoning is that flawed you should rethink your allegiance to cowardice or russia, or both.
conscription is also necessary to solve for game theory in many cases
@Cephalotrocity you are incorrect. The market has decided that it is not right nor just or they would have volunteers. Russia also is not right nor just. War is a racket.
Says a lot that you use the market to decide what is right or just.
Edit: and they do have volunteers. For example, this is just for international volunteers
@fu Not a single state is fully moral. And not a single person does only moral choices during their entire life. Sometimes the most immoral choices are the right thing to do to achieve a just cause.
@petrescatraian @Buffalox @Cephalotrocity
t a singlestate isfullymoral.there I fixed it for you.
Sometimes the most immoral choices are the right thing to do to achieve a just cause.
this is the most bat shit crazy thing I have ever heard. Two wrongs never make a right mate.
@fu well, in math two values with minus added get you a vallue with plus ;)
… multiplied. 2 negatives multiplied equals a positive.
@Cephalotrocity exactly, my bad
@Buffalox Here in Europe, 18 is generally considered the adulthood age, beyond which you can get a license, you can vote, you can buy property, you have full responsibility of yourself in front of the law etc. - so it would be something along those lines.
I personally didn’t feel that adult at that age either, though…
Adulthood is very subjective.
@petrescatraian @Buffalox @Cephalotrocity get a license for what?
Any adult thing requiring a license. Operating most vehicles, owning firearms, Run a business, etc…
@fu driving license. You cannot get a driving license until you’re 18.
It is interesting looking at adult age through out history. I’m not even a historian. Females have been considered adults as young as 10, and males as young as 12 (just that I’m aware of). On the other extreme males have been considered kids as old as 50 (Romans your dad decided or he died, so I support a 3 year old male may have been an adult. I’m not sure how they treated females other than they were a very sexist society)
@Cephalotrocity The largest army in Europe that’s not Russian. But hopefully that can be fixed too.
Somebody is lobbying for an EU Army I see.
@MrMakabar I wasn’t implying this, but now that you took this into discussion… hmm…
The US military has a 1.328million soldiers. So no European country will build up such a force, if they are not at war. France or Turkey would be next in line with 270000 or 355000 soldiers. I am pretty sure that Ukraine will still have a larger force for some time after the war, just to make sure Russia does not do something stupid.
@Cephalotrocity just a little more than the number of Russian soldiers killed so far