I was running for my train. After entering in the station airlock, for a reason i still can’t explain, i turned right instead of continuing straight ahead and BAM, i hit a glass with my face. Now i have a little scar, fortunately hidden behind my eyebrow.
Got born
I asked a man with boxing training to hit me in the face so I could try to be prepared in a fight. When I woke up he said he didn’t think I was going to not block or anything.
Got a concussion in a pillow fight. I was in the top bunk in a lean-to at summer camp when I was maybe 13 or 14. Forgetting the low ceiling above me, I jumped to my feet, planning on launching a pillow at someone poking around another bed. Promptly slammed my head into the ceiling, knocked myself out and wound up going to the doctor shortly after. Pretty sure I still have a disc somewhere with images of the small minor brain bleeding I got as a result.
Fell asleep drunk. Knocked over a beer as I went to sleep. Thought, “I’ll worry about that in the morning.”
Must have woke up to go to the bathroom and slipped cause I smashed my head on the corner of a coffee table. Ambulance. Thirteen stitches. Scar covered by hair. Home looked like a murder scene from me steadying myself against the walls with blood on my hands.
Broke first bone as an adult playing Pokémon Go on release night
As a bored kid waiting for my turn on the family computer in the basement, while waiting for my older brother to finish, I once stapled a finger. Don’t remember which, but it was just really dumb.
Alao stapled my finger. I believe it was my thumb ;)
It’s simple. I accidentally bump my head on something above me, whether it be the top of a bunk bed or a staircase handle where I’m sitting nearby.
I swear I do that more often then I should when getting in and out of my family’s van.
Was attempting to walk over a short trailer ramp (maybe a foot above the ground), caught my flip flop on the ramp grate and fractured by tibia, fibula and ankle. Yea, from a foot off the ground. Never broke anything before and even when I did, I only have this lame story. Haha.
Broke my wrist by blocking a gigantic remote control car flying directly at me at 50 MPH and I was the person controlling it.
Touched an arm to the air fryer basket accidentally, now I’ve got a lovely horizontal scar on the side of my wrist
When I finished my exams at school, I felt exuberant, and a group of us ended up at the village playground. For some reason I perched myself on one end of a see-saw and got a “friend” to jump out of a tree onto the other end.
While he was in mid flight I reevaluated my choice, and tried for a safe dismount. I nearly made it but one foot was still on the seat. That foot went up by what felt like a mile in the space of 0.003 seconds and I did a flip onto my head. Dazed, I immediately tried to push myself up and the see-saw caught me on the downstroke. Blood everywhere. Stitches in my head.
When I was in middle school, on an organized camping trip to a lake where we would work on our canoeing skills, another kid and I started to horseplay. We were struggling over who could take a specific canoe paddle. My opponent held the handle, and I the blade. We each tried using the paddle to shove at the other & cause them to lose control, thereby securing the paddle for our own exclusive use.
Nevermind that there were a dozen other equally good paddles laying around unclaimed, we had to fight over that specific paddle.
I wound up losing my grip right as my opponent shoved. The blade hit me square on the bridge of my nose. I bled like crazy.
It wasn’t until several years afterwards that I realized how perilously close I had come to losing one or both eyes.
There was a row of chairs (touching each other) at work that are purposefully very heavy. I wanted to look under the chairs, so I was lifting them one at a time. The last one was a corner chair and a lot heavier. I stuck my head behind the last chair to look under it, dropped it, and caught my jaw. It hurt like fuck but fortunately didn’t do any actual damage.
I was making whipped cream with an electric hand mixer while talking to someone at the same time. While talking and looking at them, I wanted to turn off the machine, but as I didn’t look at it, I put my hands right into the whisk instead of the switch I was trying to reach. Out of pain and shock, instead of turning it off with the other hand, I moved the switch in the wrong direction to its maximum and broke my finger.
HEYEL NAW 😭, did your finger heal well afterwards?
Luckily, yes, my finger is in perfect condition again. But it took over a year to completely heal.
Glad to hear that!
Accidentally sliced a layer of skin off when i shaved at the shower. Weirdly enough it didn’t hurt, bleed or anything when it happened, and it was only after the shower when i was applying moisturizer when it actually did. I didn’t know what was causing the pain until the next day, when i saw some scab-like texture forming and realized what had happened. Thankfully it healed fast and left no scars/marks.