Not true. As a certified Mountain Dew® Baja Blast™ enthusiast, I share content for the love of the brand. It’s just…coincidence that I share my Patreon subscriber data with the Grand Dew® Wizards and happen to get a fat anonymous donation to my account each time I share my love of the Baja™.
We’re all talking about Rednote now aren’t we? Apps don’t just explode in popularity without money being spent.
You should always assume that an influencer pushing a product is getting paid to do so.
Not true. As a certified Mountain Dew® Baja Blast™ enthusiast, I share content for the love of the brand. It’s just…coincidence that I share my Patreon subscriber data with the Grand Dew® Wizards and happen to get a fat anonymous donation to my account each time I share my love of the Baja™.