The work these groups do will be critical during a second Trump Administration.
Why are there only 26?
Investors need quarterly dividends.
Is there a Luigi Training Center I can donate to?
Thanks for this. This is really cool.
Very welcome!
Any thoughts on which organizations can make the biggest impact or need help the most? It’s tough to choose.
Think I’m leaning towards Immigration Impact.
I’m supporting ACLU
ACLU is already suing and will continue to do so. Another great one to support which is not on this list is the National Network of Abortion Funds.
Wonder if we could get a list stickied for the community?
Yes democrats can’t beat him in an election but they can still take your money.
This is good. I need this. I was just wondering this today.
Same here. Today was tough.
Did any of these groups do anything at all during initial Trump presidency? Because I haven’t heard of most of them (exclude ACLU, SPLC & PP). They all sound like useless money sinks if none of them are willing to throw down the gloves and fight dirty.
I only give money to Luigis.