Dammit, I should’ve made a “no politics” rule…
Hang on. Is Musk the YouTube user NextGenHacker101?
Babys first CLI
rm: cannot remove ‘stupid’: Device or resource busy
How much you wanna bet he was making beep-boop noises while typing this?
I bet he gets scammed over frequently by self-proclaimed Microsoft support staff.
So he found the virus on his own mind?
Exactly. And then he removed it and went looking for it’s origins. Don’t overthink his bullshit, it’s pretty plain.
it’s in reverse order, the top tweet is quoting the bottom, earlier, one.
Guaranteed he ripped this joke from someone on his staff
This man should
shred -u
himselfsudo kill -9 1
He is a pathetic excuse for a person.
There are ‘Stop the steal’ rallies going on in South Korea. anti_woke_mind_virus detected I guess.
Ideally the truth and being awake would spread like a virus. But in reality not so much.
Oh, so in addition to a fake engineer and a fake gamer, he’s also a fake Linux user. The only thing this loser is genuine at is being a Nazi.
I prefer the term “Phony Stark”.
Maybe lay off the drugs for a few days, Elon.