Can’t we change this so it’s not up to any one person?
Mildly surprised we didn’t fix that after the last time Trump covered up the severity of covid
It isn’t. Without the stacked Supreme Court and the majority in Congress he would be considerably less powerful.
Then again, as the leader of the executive branch he could defy them like his infamous idol, “King” Andrew Jackson, did.
Now, if the Americans are being too obnoxious with us Europeans about tariffs or Greenland, we only need to resort to the classic European strategy of gifting them a smallpox infested blanket to deal with the Americans.
Don’t worry. You don’t even have to do that much. Just sit back and watch the shit show.
Please be sure to let the reasonable folk get vaccines first
Aww that’s cute you think you will still be able to get the vaccine
Brb taking a vacation to Canada
You mean vaccication?
Ah, that good ol’ flippant racism that only an heir to colonizers feels real comfy in. That tracks.
You spotted the irony in your comment, right?
Ah, yes. White “racism”… checks instance Yeah, that tracks. 🤌🏼
When did they talk about race?
As someone who gets vaccinated, I support this strategy
Taking after China I see. Not a good look.
not related to the original point but the method: this is a terrible image. it depicts stopping something as a domino effect, which is pretty much the opposite, and then a hand stopping that stopping action. it’s convoluted and the sentiment could’ve been relayed in much better ways.
Does anyone notice that a ton of food recalls were being announced last year right up till his order shutting down communication of some of the Alphabets?
Buy food really really carefully from now on.
Yes, that was not a coincidence.
Eggs are gonna be so cheap!
/s of course
I’m sorry, we expected ANYTHING less?
And covid was pretty much why he lost in 2020 …
If we won’t have another pandemic in next 4 years, we will be really lucky.
We definitely will!
We can’t have cases if we don’t count or report them, duh.
Tap for /s
I hate that this is needed./s is not needed. It’s obvious you were sarcastic
You just look stupid with the tap for s thing.
Thanks for the edit, bud. Have a wonderful day.
YoU fOrgOt ThE s
There are people who literally think
lkkelike that, so yes it was needed.What wasnt needed was your comment.
Have a good day
Those people should learn how to read.
There aren’t any /s in the millinia of written works, yet suddenly some people need it. Those people are illiterate.
Have a good day, SIR
Wait… You’re comparing books to internet sleuths?? Hahahahahaha
Bird flu looking real ready to snack on humans right now
the next lockdown will never end
Oh, sure, we’ve heard about long COVID, but what about…
Bird flue… something something egg prices amirite?
Second covid?
The flu is particularly bad this year, though definitely not pandemic level. It is knocking down and hospitalizing the elderly and those with crappy lungs.
Also, it’s keeping our egg prices higher than meat right now. I can buy a family tray of deboned/skinned chicken breast for $10. 18 eggs: $12. Which is crazy. If COVID pricing is any indicator of things to come, egg prices will stay higher than meat.
Flu is a fickle, ever changing, ever mutating virus. So, it’s possible. It’s also why King picked flu for his captain trips. The mutation thing made his story plausible.
I got influenza a and have never had it so bad. While it was really only one day of the worst symptoms and I got Tamiflu to knock it down, itjust hit the threee week mark and the cough is not going away
Edit: whoopsies. The way my comments were formatted I erroneously thought you were talking about bird flu, not the regular flu. Dumb mistake on my end
Okayyyy just going to stop you there. Bird flu is NOT knocking down and hospitalizing the elderly and those with crappy lungs. There are only 67 confirmed cases, almost all of them are from people working directly with the animals, almost all of them are very mild, and there’s no evidence of human-human transmission.
I’m all for watching this and being cautious, but I’m also obligated to call out (even well intentioned) misinformation when I see it.
the flu flu, not the bird flu
My mistake. I think seeing a comment about bird flu right above it, as well as the part about egg prices, made me think they were talking about bird flu. I edited my comment