Gonna be tough to stop the creation of the camp since it’s in Cuba but there are orgs that are rolling out strategies to protect people in their communities from getting caught up in this. Check out your local orgs and see who is working on this and cooperate with them.
Internet search for ICE watch and your city or region would be a good place to start. And I know people hate Reddit but a lot of people on my local sub are talking about this too.
That’s what I thought people might say and was hoping people would be more upset then this =/
Good info, tho.
This was exactly the same approach the Australian government took with its ‘pacific solution’. Offshore detention into remote, hard to access locales, classify all reporting of ‘illegal immigration’ under national security laws. Makes getting news in and out nearly impossible.
I am upset about it but what else can we do? I think looking to follow the lead of those who have been working on this issue for longer is the right place to start at least. Maybe we will need to go further but first we need to connect offline.
No, but you’ll have a chance (maybe?) in 4 years to do something about it.
2 years to maybe do something, 4 years maybe to maybe do something better.
I plan on complaining about it on the Internet. That’ll show 'em!
That seems to be the sentiment
Ok, what are YOU going to about it? You’ve stomped your feet and pointed your finger at just about everyone else in this thread, what’s your plan?
My plan is to stand with the people who oppose this. Thats my plan.
Lol ok bud. Sounds more like a concept of a plan.
Your right friend. Getting involved in my community, being responsible for my neighbor, and advocating for justice is only a concept of a plan. Forcing myself out of bed in the morning, being a leader in the workplace and practicing my beliefs, being involved in local elections etc. Are details you are entirely uninterested in.
Hate to break it to you, but those are baseline minimums for being a decent human being, not a contingency plan to actively resist fascism.
Yep, we are all going to have to be decent human beings.
What do you suggest?
In the presidential campaign, when Trump said he would help out the average person, yet he filled his cabinet with nazi billionaires. I mean, what are we to believe, a criminal is held accountable, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
what are we to believe
Why Fox News, Newsmax and random cryptofucks of course!
American here:
I would like for the civilized world to do a full trade embargo on the US. I want the economy to nosedive so hard that either the GOP votes to remove the motherfucker from office, or get crushed in the biggest electoral landslide in history in 2026.
The world has that option. Come to think of it, it’s pretty pitiful they haven’t the humanity to stand up to this monster looming across the sea.
I’m almost as disappointed in the rest of the world not standing up to the USA as I am disappointed in my fellow citizens’ abdication of social and civic responsibility, common decency, and basic humanity.
the unfortunate thing here, is that the US and the USD is so integral to global trade, that we would probably experience a global economic downturn similar to that of the great depression.
That’s happening either way, my dude.
depends on how stupid the admin is. It shouldn’t happen. But we’re moving a lot further towards it.
They’re a perfect mix of people that are stupid, evil, and greedy that will absolutely devastate the global economy.
yes but i’m hoping that someone will knock some sense into them, somewhere along the line, ruining an economy is a good way to get yourself killed, as the leader of a country.
The only problem with accelerationism, is that sometimes it accelerates in a direction we didn’t expect or want.
It’s very possible that whatever terrible consequences befall our political body have been planned well in advance by people smarter than us, or those in the cameras, and this whole thing is the groundwork for actually seizing and abolishing democracy.
Best case, we depose a wanna-be despot because things go to shit.
More likely case: we get both concentration camps AND a dictator.
It’s very possible that whatever terrible consequences befall our political body have been planned well in advance by people smarter than us, or those in the cameras, and this whole thing is the groundwork for actually seizing and abolishing democracy.
grade A cope
this is some sector C level copium right here
I don’t think you know what that word means, but it’s okay, even if you’re illiterate that just puts you in the lower 25-fucking-percentile in the nation.
that’s unfortunate for you, since i am probably more educated than half the people on this site.
Including you, call me when the NWO doesn’t take over the government and the US just collapses (or doesn’t, which is much more likely)
I genuinely have no idea what you’re babbling about mister “I’m smarter than half the people here” big shot super important dude.
It’s wild how the people who are most eager to profess their own intellect are always the ones who can’t communicate worth shit and are completely ruled by reactionary responses and surging emotions. Again, it’s ok. You fit right in with most American median voters. Pull up a chair and take a number. All the numbers are #1 so you feel important and special just like everyone else.
I genuinely have no idea what you’re babbling about mister “I’m smarter than half the people here” big shot super important dude.
i know, unfortunate that the illiterate retard (me) on the site is smarter than like 50% of the user base, truly some trying times we live in.
It’s wild how the people who are most eager to profess their own intellect are always the ones who can’t communicate worth shit and are completely ruled by reactionary responses and surging emotions.
i’m so mad rn lil bro, you couldn’t even perceive how angry i am right now, no cap, fr fr.
Again, it’s ok. You fit right in with most American median voters.
the american median voter has an overwhelmingly overlap with people being ok with donald trump. So.
Pull up a chair and take a number. All the numbers are #1 so you feel important and special just like everyone else.
so true, we stopped past that number, just didn’t need anything else, binary ftw.
That is probably the most effective thing that could happen. But if they won’t do it to Israel for committing genocide then I doubt they’d do it for it’s political doppelgänger.
I think it’s more likely they’ll go after us than go after Israel, because the world doesn’t have centuries or millenia of anti American bigotry stored up that in a twisted fashion leads them to let the Israeli government do whatever it wants to poor Muslims as long as that means there’s a Jewish state.
What complicates matters is all the military power we have and the certainty most people have that Trump would order it to attack anyone who embargoes us.
As a Canadian, it really really sucks that we have to hurt our friends to help them, or you’ll hurt us all worse. It really sucks that you, personally, had to say those things too, but it’s also brave, and makes me hopeful that we can get through this.
Another Canadian with the same sentiment.
I feel like the sane world needs to make a global Alliance where if America tarriffs any country in the membership, everyone else responds with similar tarriffs.
America needs to learn that it isn’t alone in the world and it can’t survive in its current state without friends.
Poor Columbia having to give in to America’s demands over coffee, if they had an alliance with other countries maybe they could have said fuck you Trump.
German here, I stand with the same statement the from the guy above me that referred to the guy more above.
Anyways - In the first tariff “war” trump unleashed in after 2016 we tried to tariff stuff from the US, but since we don’t import a lot of things from the US, we only had tariffs on Whisky and Jeans (I’m not even joking, this happened).
Translation: I don’t want to to go or of my comfort zone and actually do anything. I just want those other people across the world to fix it for me.
I am asking for help because I can’tfix this on my own. It’s okay to do that.
Just go out there and protest man. You can do it. Organize and all that. But some shotguns or whatever.
Spoken like someone who’s been to countless protests and organized community events. Countless.
I have over 50 guns. I’m good there.
I’m sure the private prison industry will lobby to use them as slaves
Maybe we can start by looking at all the corporations who are most supporting him, and push hard for boycotts. It might be slightly indirect, but corporate partners do seem to have the most influence on policy decisions. Maybe we could make a document in the style of the PrivacyGuides project to help people choose alternatives to fascist supporters.
I’ve seen posts on Mastodon calling for the general strike as well.
I made a community for it.
Instance agnostic link: [email protected]
General strike is the way to go. It’s like peaceful protesting but it’s devastating to the thing they care about most. Older gen are mostly trumpets so they also get hit when their generational wealth drys up and they get to be the ones worrying about making rent.
I’ve been saying it but most people are hard programed not to question anything and never stick their neck out. I would have hoped concentration camps would be a line in the sand but just look, all over the this post people are obsfucating who is responsible. They think it’s important to assign blame to democrats, an almost irrelevant factor, after they proved they can no longer win elections at a national level.
Anyway, I’ll be there with you when the strike hits. By that I mean the strike of the billy club as they throw me in a patty wagon for dissent.
General strike is the way to go.
While you’re right that this is what will change course for the nation, not many people get is exactly WHAT a “general strike” really is.
There is no possible way we can get enough people on board with toppling the current administration that they will shut down basically the whole world. A general strike shuts down everything and I mean EVERYTHING. The amount of economic damage an event like this could do is astronomical, factories will burn, shipping lanes will choke, services will go out.
Ideally it would only last a couple days, but a general strike is basically a military action by a nation’s citizens, an organized resistance that crushes a country’s entire function. When the wealthy suddenly stop making money, it can permanently ruin them because of the way capital is tied through everything. They really, really don’t want to see even less-general strikes, and will do everything imaginable to prevent it from happening.
It’s a Paddy wagon. Because it was full of Irishmen.
You can, if you are crafty, get a plane to Cuba for less than 300 bucks, and then organize a resistance movement in there against gitmo
Should be fairly easy
Execute operation reverse elian gonzalez
Same they they did for the other concentration camp which is currently being exterminated.
This might be dumb, but what if everyone right now changed our income tax status to where they aren’t deducting taxes from our paycheck with the threat of not paying taxes?
I have no problem with paying taxes to the government. We need to hit the larger economy, not the support system keep millions afloat.
That support system is going away anyways. Money is the only language late stage capitalism speaks.
Yes, many things are changing but we can’t really jump the shark on that one.
Where’s the line? If it’s after we’ve lost our bargaining chips then it’ll be to late. People in control are not dumb, they know what’ll hurt them and put up defenses.
Trump will start building the debtors’ camps.
I already did, it didn’t work.
Many of us did. I hope we find each other on the other side.
At this point, beyond enduring, I’m afraid there is no “non violent” options. And to be clear, I don’t think non-violent options are going to improve anything, just that there’s not much else to do.
Agreed that there is no non-violent way to stop this admin from making concentration camps in Guantanamo, but there are plenty of things you can do to keep people from ending up in those camps without using violence.
Most undocumented people get snatched up outside of their homes. Keeping an eye out for ICE, and breaking their cover is a huge help (Just walk up to them and say ‘Hi’, ask what they are doing and in general occupy their time with innocuous conversation), you can also provide food and financial assistance to your affected neighbors, as they may be unable to work without getting snatched. Make an emergency plan with them for who to contact, and if they have an immigration lawyer in the case that they get grabbed. If anyone with a badge actually asks about them, you don’t know shit, you’ve never seen shit.
Think the only ways to stop this is passing a bill prohibiting using money on GITMO like the Republicans did with the prohibition of spending money to close GITMO.
Or lawsuits.
Or the people take a stand.
I think moderators on Lemmy and Reddit are working hard to remove posts and content
Lemmy mods are at ridk for legal consequences so I would cut them more slack.
No, no they’re not.
Yes, they are. If they are hosting servers where people engage in criminal actions they can be held liable in some nations.
deleted by creator
Not in the US, where .world is held
The ToS would like to disagree with you.
Yes. We are.
deleted by creator
The ToS would like to disagree with you.
The website and the agreement will be governed by and construed per the laws of the following countries and/or states:
- The Netherlands
- Republic of Finland
- Federal Republic of Germany
What is a platform people can actually use to organize less than legal operations?
I’m probably not the FBI.
It is highly unlikely that anyone will be able to do anything about this, or any of the other many shotgun shenanigans rolling out of the White House of late. They’ve got all three branches of the federal government, laws clearly do not apply, and Trump himself has explicit permission from SCOTUS to commit crimes.
Any opportunity to stop all of this was at the beginning of November.
No, there is no stopping it, not any time soon. If there’s a midterm election, there might be a chance of wresting back one (or one half) of those branches of government, but even if Democrats take control of one or both houses, they don’t have the best track record of doing anything about it.
It will not end well, and when shit goes sideways, it’s gonna happen fast.
I think it’s a distinct possibility, obviously there is something going on that he doesn’t want the American people to see. Best case scenario, ill treatment of detainees, worst case scenario, yeah it’s a death camp.