any actual link to the adio or am I no scripting it out of the archive site?
Why does he look like Andy Dick’s cousin trying to do his worst zuck cosplay. Dude’s a trip
Every oligarch looks like a lizard person cosplaying a human
It’s the Edger skin suit the bug in Men In Black was wearing, slowly decaying as the film progressed.
No Zuckerberg is 100% a robot.
At least Dick provided value to society by being funny sometimes.
Mark Zuckerberg whining about a lack of privacy has broken my irony meter.
I better get it fixed so one of tomorrow’s headlines can break it again.
You’re still taking it in to get fixed‽ I gave up on it after having to take it in for the hundredth time since the 20th
This is the only time buying the extended warranty has been worth it
Its almost poetic.
Because bullshit is less viscous
Leak what he says in his sleep next.
It’s not very interesting, just the Windows XP shutdown and startup sounds.
is that leakage largely masculine or feminine ?
certainly a gender fluid
It seems like it’s non-binary! 🥁
Outside of some types of geopolitical / strategic maneuvers, it’s pretty much never a good thing when something being “leaked” causes you problems. And it’s pretty much never that, when something “leaks.” If someone wants to distribute that information, I assume they can sell it to your adversaries, quietly, and you’ll never know.
The public leaks are pretty much always that you’re up to some heinous shit, and the public finds out as they should, and then you set up a high whining sound that you should be exempt from scrutiny or opposition, because you’re above those people, and you should be able to cheat and disrespect them without consequence, because you’re too special to have to take part in society except from far above it, safe.
Is Trumps orange face some sort of contagious skin disease?
It’s him, he’s doing it himself. He wants the attention.
A CEO of a company who has ruined privacy wants privacy. Hmm. It is always about him. He does not know and will never choose to know how real people live. His wealth makes our lives worse, with every passing minute. Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Well, Zuck, you run a company that provides videoconference services. It’s possible for a videoconference service to digitally-watermark the audio and video sent to a given user. If you figure that maybe other organizations would like to avoid leaks of their videoconferences too, that might be something to look into as a service to provide.
Companies make money by providing solutions to problems. You’ve got a problem, which means that you probably also have an opportunity.
Did he get a hair transplant? Was looking pretty roman(emperor-esque)previously
Those of us whom have straight hair when it’s short, but insanely curly hair when it’s long.
Zuck is the sexual abstinence clown. No one can get horny with that face around!