I cannot tell the difference between this picture and a regular baby.
Compare side by side and look at the upper lip, usually the biggest tell
How do they take pictures before and after?
Time machine. Keep up.
I will have, I will have…
There is no ‘after’ for FAS. That shit is forever
That’s the joke. They suggested a side by side picture on a baby.
with a camera… how are you this dense?
Just photograph the baby before and after the pub marathon? Use yer head, bruv.
My friend always calls people ‘hair lip’ when he’s talkin shit 💀
it’s actually “hare lip,” derogatory term for people with cleft palate, as their mouths were compared to the split lip of rabbits
Oh snap that’s even more fucked up
The day I realized that every single one on my dad’s side of the family likely had FAS so much shit clicked into place, I kid you not.
Sometimes, we’re assholes doing asshole things.
But sometimes, juust sometimes, we become the Universe’s instruments for slapping some sense into others.
I played ice hockey with a young bloke who had FAS and he was an absolute mess. Zero impulse control, low intelligence and addicted to anything he could get his hands on.
Some of his behaviour would have earned another person a beating but everyone knew and tried… correcting his behaviour a bit more gently.
His dad was clearly making an effort but it was ruining both their lives and he had divorced.
Young bloke ended up offing himself.
On an equally depressing note, once you know what to look for you see FAS fairly regularly in porn.
Had a friend in high school who had an adopted sibling with FAS. Her parents were great people and provided him with opportunities in life that he never would have had otherwise.
But the real hero was that friend, she was his eyes, ears and guardian angel all in one. Nobody fucked with this kid because she was the embodiment of “not the one”
That last one. Ooof. But what specifically?
From Wikipedia, though it is mentioned only 10% of People with FAS have these characteristics.
Damn I cannot read that. Black text on black bacground with transparent image.
The key signs of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) required for diagnosis include:
- Growth deficiency or failure to thrive: slow fetal growth low birth weight or height, small head circumference (microcephaly)[14][a]
- Congenital malformations of lips: short palpebral fissurelengths, smooth philtrum, and thin upper lip
Skill issue. jk, you can right click and select open in new tab, had a white background for me then. (you could also click the wikipedia link, for me it had no dark mode aswell)
I am on my phone. I even switched to light mode but when opening the image it still had a black background. The main issue is with the original image having a fucking transparent one for some godforsaken reason.
Nah. Dude is not the reason for a divorce. The mother is. She chose to indulge in alcohol while pregnant. It’s her fault.
And probably the husband’s fault as well if he knew it was going on and did nothing to stop it. They should both go sober until the baby is born.
Sounds like a solid move heading into parenthood as a couple.
Yup. When my wife was pregnant, I adjusted my diet and whatnot so she wouldn’t feel like she’s doing it alone. Support your SO, you share responsibility too.
If the dad already knew about it, why would he get a divorce the moment his child finds out? Makes no sense, he didn’t know
Could be a different dad.
Go BAMA /s
But also looks around nervously