If you think a game should be higher or lower in ranking, then upvote or downvote it. If you don’t see a game on the list that you think should be on the list then create a top level reply with the name and system.
I’ll propose Age of Empires 1. That one is my childhood pretty much 😄
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Need For Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit
For the Dutchies among us.
A2 Racer
Yogho Yogho
Anno 1602 is lovely too.
I played it again last year. Still fun!
I usually play the GOG version on Windows 10 with dxwnd and these settings:
[target] title0=Anno 1602 path0=?\1602.noshim.exe startfolder0= launchpath0="" cmdline0= msshims0= icon0=0000010001002020100000000000E802000016000000280000002000000040000000010004000000000080020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00CCCCCCCCCCCC00CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC0000CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC001100CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC03331010CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC033311110CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEECEEE03333111110EEEEECEEECEEEEEEEEEEE03333110110EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE0333330000010EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE0300001010000EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE0001010101010EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE0111101110110EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE0000000000000EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE333333303333333EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BFBFBF30BFBFBFB3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3FB00000000000BF3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BF333333333333B3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3F3FBFBFBFBFBF3F3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3FBFBFBFBFBFB3B3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BFBFBFBFBFBF333EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3FBFBFBFBFBFB3B3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BFBFBFBFBFB333EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE33BFBFBFBFBFB3B3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3FB333333FB33F3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE33303003333FB3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BFBFBFBFB3BF3EEEEEEEEEEBEEEEEEE3FBFBFBFBF3F3EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3BFBFBFBFB3EEEEEEEEEEE77BEEEBEEE3FBFBFBFBF3EEEEEEEEE7707EEBBEEEEE3FBFBFBF3EEEEEEE7777077BBEEEEEEEEE333333EE77EEE77770707BBBEBBEEEEEE30EEEE77777770707070BBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEE7770707070707070000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 module0= opengllib0= notes0= registry0= ver0=0 monitorid0=0 filterid0=0 renderer0=3 coord0=0 flag0=673185830 flagg0=205520904 flagh0=528 flagi0=138412036 flagj0=5120 flagk0=65536 flagl0=268435456 flagm0=67108992 flagn0=4 flago0=0 flagp0=0 flagq0=0 flagr0=0 flags0=0 flagt0=0 flagu0=0 flagv0=8192 flagw0=0 flagx0=0 flagy0=0 tflag0=0 tflagb0=0 dflag0=0 dflagb0=0 posx0=268 posy0=2 sizx0=1384 sizy0=1038 maxfps0=0 initts0=0 winver0=1 maxres0=0 swapeffect0=0 maxddinterface0=7 slowratio0=2 scanline0=0 initresw0=800 initresh0=600 fakehddrive0=C: fakecddrive0=D: cdadrive0=?: wavevol0=0 midivol0=0 cdvol0=0 gvol0=100 codepage0=0 lang0=0 country0=0 commitaddress0=0 commitlength0=0 [stamp] version=v2.06.04 time=Sat May 04 20:51:17 2024
Totally, I sometimes still play it too, even though I have newer versions in my collection. Looking forward to Anno 117 Pax Romana though!
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Road Rash
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (C64)
Robot Odyssey - TRS-80
UFO (or xcom) - enemy unknown.
Take one step forward
Instantly killed
Great game!
Panel de Pon (1995)
LAPD: Future Cop (PS) (1998)
Pac-Man/Ms. Pac Man.
Resident Evil (1996)
Thank you for not saying Resident Evil 2 (or worse: Resident Evil 4). I don’t care what anyone says, nothing tops the original. I wish Capcom would hurry up and get off of their asses to work on a proper remake already. The remaster is so old and out of date.
I both agree and disagree.
I agree that RE1 is the best RE, because it is also the only Survival Horror game in the RE series. When RE2 was in development, Capcom changed it to an Action series. By the developers own words, they wanted to mimic “Hollywood Action movies.” They did a good job, but Action is exactly opposite of the genre wheel from Survival Horror. Survival Horror depends on a de-emphasis of action and combat, while Action games heavily emphasize action and combat.
I disagree that Capcom needs to remake RE1 again. The RE remake from 2002, which later became RE HD, is perfect. It does not need Capcom further altering the game to take away the qualities that keep it a Survival Horror game. Konami did this to Silent Hill 2 and that still has me pissed.
Additionally, RE1 is vastly more influential to video gaming as a whole than RE2, spawning a big Survival Horror genre boom that did not end until RE4 came out.
Look, I just want to play the original in VR with a modern settings menu. The current remake is based on the GameCube version. It doesn’t even have proper widescreen support, let alone ultrawide. A half-assed console port from 2002 is far from perfect.
Final fantasy 3/6 - SNES
The best Final Fantasy
On the SNES, or counting only mainline titles, yes. Overall, tactics is the best FF
Dance Dance Revolution.
(Do you feel old now?)
Bulk Slash - Saturn
Elite - BBC Micro Model B originally.
Shiren the Wanderer II - N64
Double Dragon II: The Revenge - NES (1988)
I still boot this game up every now and then to knee fools across the screen. I need to try the PC Engine CD remake someday.