I cannot watch that scene
Now you get it on repeat.
Nailed it!
Did that shit exactly once. Nail went between my toes, barely knicked me. Yeah, never fucking around again.
And then there was the time I went Looney Tunes with a rake. Stumbling around, stunned and bleeding, hit it again. Yeah, had me in stitches.
Why would you link that gif and not the Sideshow Bob one?
Got you fam:
I did this once as a kid just to see if it works. Yes, it works.
I did this once as an adult because I’m an idiot, and yes, it hurts.
I can hear this gif
I hate that they ran this joke into the ground in later seasons.
Stepped on a nail as a kid. Wasn’t fun.
Probably the closest I’ve ever come to dying that I know of happened after I developed a severe, systemic infection from stepping on a nail. So yeah, I concur, it’s not fun.
Maybe I have some internalized aussiephobia or something, but this read as an Australian to me.
Get some work boots bud.
And a trash can for the nail
Oh that unlocked a memory.
I used to work on a construction site and everyone wore steel toed boots, anyway one time it was very cold and some guy decided to lick the toe of his boot to see if it would stick to his tongue. It did.
They were always a pain for being cold I remember. In a hot country they’d probably burn your toes. There’s a reason most people don’t wear metal shoes.
Around here temperature varies from under -30c to over +30c depending on what season it is and construction workers still wear them every work day.
Holy hell thats a huge temp range where the hell is that?!?
Welcome to Quebec, if you’re unlucky you also live in a region with high humidity so the temperature felt ranges from over 40c to under -45c…
I’m guessing Canada. We get similar temp range in north central and north eastern US.
I’m in the Rocky Mountains, and our range is -15C to 40C (5F to 105F), and I wear my steel toe boots to shovel snow in the winter and garden in the summer. Oh, and I wear the same wool socks in both seasons, which keep my feet warm in the winter and dry in the summer.
Parts of the US (and probably Canada) get to -40.
Many boots now use composite fibres for toe and shank protection simply because of the problems with metal and cold.
the steel toe is usually underneath the leather/fabric… what kind of cartoon-ass boots you guys wearing?
Come to think of it, they may have just been so worn out the steel was showing.
This was back in the '90s so I don’t really remember the details and I wasn’t actually there to witness it, just the aftermath. I assume the boot leather just wore down.
that would make sense yeah
You can get ones that have exposed steel caps, but most of them have rubber over the cap.
ISO 20345 boots for your specific job or bust. What Americans call work boots are only good for leisure not protecting feet.
I think that entirely depends on what you are diing for a living. Not every job needs as much toe protection
Ends with him getting nailed in the ass, the fake and gay just writes itself
No it’s true. I was the nail.
You nailed it huh
It was the whole point. Badum-tss!
Man gets nailed 3 times while trying to work. More at 11