Okay, this was a year ago. Still, why is anyone at that level setting up there own computer? I would pay someone to do it.
He’s not. His assistants tech team’s intern mentioned it through their communication app Elon can shadow read.
Better question is why is super genius Elon using Windows 11?
Another reason to not be a billionaire. People will be trying to hack you for your whole life and you can’t just set up your own computer.
I switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago and it was eye-opening
Did he type that from his laptop phone? Maybe speech-to-text from his cell phone smartwatch?
He needs to dumb it down for his followers
Yeah, those xAI bots aren’t yet at the same level as ChatGPT
I might be dumb. PC vs Mac is a common way to differentiate. Laptop vs stationary is a common way to differentiate. Isn’t “PC Laptop” a pretty descriptive and non-overlapping way to unambinguiusly distinguish the item?
It’s mostly a marketing gimmick, same as people who say “tablet or iPad”.
In this case in particular is complaining about windows, it would be a stretch to think it’s an apple computer.
People who know about Mac laptops.
In that case it would be a Windows laptop. PC stands for Personal Computer. It has nothing to do with the OS.
PC absolutely has to do with the OS in certain contexts. Do you not remember the “Hi, I’m a Mac.” “And I’m a PC.” Line of commercials?
Example of the usage: https://www.computerworld.com/article/1568544/mac-vs-pc-cost-analysis-how-does-it-all-add-up.html
This is because long ago there was the Apple Macintosh and the IBM Personal Computer. So things that were “PC compatible” were not Macs. So the term got applied to Windows stuff. It’s not used very much now, but that article is from 2007.
So while it’s correct terminology to say Windows are PCs and Macs aren’t, it’s pretty outdated and another example of his failure to be recent on tech trends. I don’t think I’ve used the term PC to mean Windows since 2020 at least. Probably longer.
I do remember those ads but I did not know about the IBM Personal Computer distinction, to be honest. Thanks for the added context!
The Mac vs PC ads back in the day influenced language a bit
If you want to eat up Apple’s marketing then yeah.
A good chunk of the population did.
Even if that were true, does that mean that we should all accept it and drink the Apple Kool-Aid? A PC was, is and will always be a Personal Computer.
Kinda? Whether you like it not that’s just how society functions. You either acknowledge what society decides or you end up becoming the guy who argues that drawing swastikas doesn’t make you a nazi because it’s a symbol of luck.
And if you want to go down the rabbit hole of “PC is personal computer” good luck defining what a computer is without defaulting to what society thinks a computer is, because technically your phone is a computer that is for your personal use. Your phone is a PC. In a sense so is your TV and your gaming console and the steam deck and possibly even your fridge. Maybe even your car.
Save yourself the headache and use PC as you understand it while accepting that others have a different meaning for PC.
Ah yes, I love the Microsoft Personal Computer 11
For the world’s smartest guy, he sure is stupid
Anyone who thinks he’s the smartest guy at anything has been organically lobotomized by a brain worm
Wait we don’t live in a meritocracy after all?
Remember when it was possible to browse Twitter unrestricted without having to sign up with an account? Those were good times.
My exact first thought. If he’s going to abuse his power and force govt services to provide twitter updates it should be accessible to all without restriction.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) on Saturday said it will stop e-mailing news organizations and reporters with updates about two plane crashes that occurred earlier this week.
Moving forward, the federal agency tasked with investigating transportation-related accidents and disasters said news organizations and reporters will have to follow the agency’s official account on Xhttps://thedesk.net/2025/02/ntsb-moves-plane-crash-press-updates-x-twitter/
Political relevance be damned, anyway…
You can press SHIFT+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
Execute OOBE\BYPASSNRO command then.
After this, setup will reboot the computer and after reboot, you’ll get a new option I don’t have Internet or Continue with limited setup to skip the Internet requirement.
This helps me remember:
OOBE - Out-Of-Box Experience
NRO - Network Restriction OfflineAlso, make sure the network isn’t plugged in. If Windows detects a connection you have to start all over.
You don’t even have to do all that. Just do the install offline.
Oh Sweet Win10 Child
(Should we tell them? I mean… about the horrors of Win11?)
I set up win11 like 3 weeks ago with just not connecting it to the internet
Not true. Without the workaround, they make it impossible to move forward with installation without a network connection.
I did this when installing Windows 11 for a friend, was also my first experience installing Windows 11 as well. Having to open a command line during the installation process really nullifies the “Windows easy” and “linux hard” stereotype.
Thats the thing, you dont HAVE to install without a MS account. That is your choice.
Most people don’t care and create an MS account anyway. And they don’t have to use any command line.
Also a single command line still does not compare to Linux.
Nothing is nullified
Ubuntu installer is like 4 clicks.
And it boots to a fully updated install if you connect to the network in the wizard, unlike Windows which might take as much as a full business day to update itself depending on the age of the install medium
Same for Linux Mint I guess
Not to be terribly, terribly pedantic but it’s a setup wizard, not an installer, so your comparison kind of falls flat on it’s face.
It’s not “your choice” if you have to hack the installer to do it, something 99.99% of people wouldn’t even understand if you tried to explain if to them.
Also a single command line does not compare to Linux
Outside of l33t h4kzors distros like Arch, Linux OS installers have not required any command line invocation for at least two decades. Just enter your username, wifi info, etc and click next until it’s done.
Broken clock.
Nope, the Steam Deck has been my daily driver, I love it.
broken clock or something
Is it really a broken clock situation if you’re guilty of the very thing you’re complaining about?
my mistake
Yeah, this is just pot calling the kettle black, or seeing the splinter in his neighbor’s eye but not the beam in his own (or whatever it is in English).
I have never heard that idiom and I love it
It’s one of many things out of the bible that have pretty much just become a saying (the splinter/beam one)
Turn on airplane mode
Somebody’s mad Bill said he was craaaaaaazy
Ctrl+F10 and oobe\bypassnro
This is the way
As long as it’s not in S mode. Can’t run cmd in S mode.
Windows S sucks anyway, why would anyone use this?
Because it was really cheap and they didn’t know the difference is the usual reason I encounter.
Really, is it cheaper? I didn’t know that. But you can still bypass S Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUvBSt66Wpk
Well, it’s always pre installed on the cheapest laptops. Yeah, there are ways around it still, but it’s not quite as easy as the old bypassnro.
I guess when you’re a head of state you gotta be careful about what goes on your devices.
Is there no longer an option to use a local account if the internet isn’t available?
I may be wrong on this, but I believe they don’t give you that option, and just ask to be connected to the internet before continuing setup. You can, however, do some shenanigans to open up command prompt, and after a little bit of typing in commands from the internet and restarting your machine, you can then skip the account login and just make a local account.
I followed a guide on YouTube to install windows 11 without an account. It also helped me disable a lot of crap.
Despite what people tell you in here Linux isn’t an amazing alternative if you don’t want to spend time setting it up to be a replacement.
I’m a software engineer and when I leave work I don’t want to be solving more problems.
I am the furthest thing from a techie but I have been using Linux for several years. Never in a million years could I return to windows.
Linux doesn’t break often in my experience
My fedora install nuked itself after an update
Corrupted the btrfs filesystem and would only mount as readonly. Trying some “fixes” completely fucked it.
Meanwhile had zero issues with windows updates and even was able to get the machine booting fine to an older windows install on the drive
The same thing happened to me on Pop OS.
Buuuut I’ve been on Debian for the past year with absolutely no issues. I think that, for 99% of computer users, the whole “rolling release” design for an OS is more trouble than its worth. Give me a stable release that I can get used to for a couple years, then one big update at a time - little updates every day that unexpectedly change and sometimes break things just make the experience of doing things more finnicky and unpredictable.
That was also the final straw that made me leave Windows, for the record.
he’s gonna buy Microsoft and rename it MicroXoft for fucks sake.
Read it as micrococks