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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Oh. Did you not hear?

    The whole point of white supremacy in the US is to prevent the white working class for talking to the black working class, and organize in their favor to gain any form of fairness or access to the value of their labor. Yeah poor white people LOVE white supremacy, even thought they know they are treated nearly as bad as black folks they know deep down, they at BETTER than them. Of course they’ll fight against labor unions, universal healthcare, and social safety nets, it would make their lives FAR better, obviously, but then the black folks lives would be better too. And that’s too far. So let them live on a stagnant wage for two generations, who cares, they are WHITE! They get to take credit for all white accomplishment! The white inventions! The white laws! The white everything! How wonderful! No need for improvements. Keep those low class burger flippers hungry!

  • How did Hitler raise to power again? Was it a violent fascist military campaign, where he clearly outlined the holocaust in explicit detail, or did a combination of propaganda, street action, democracy, and constant, daily, unending lies that they would be very humane and reasonable in their deportation of ll millions of Jews, and NOT forming a fascist dictatorship to go to war with the entire world to kill everyone not German and repopulate the world with only Germans they SWAERSIED they wouldn’t do.

    If you can’t grasp how the plan to depopulation the county of 20 MILLION Hispanic peoples no matter how legal isn’t PLAINLY obvious to you as ethnic clensing, you are the stooge. You are the fool. You are the useful idiot. You have accepted the party line uncritically. You have a crippling lack of curiosity, you can’t fathom why anyone would be offended by calling all Hispanics illegal, as you aren’t even Hispanic, so why would you care, it doesn’t hurt your feelings or threaten you.

  • Like everyone who’s ever delt with a wanted, but dangerous failed pregnancy said would happen.

    But I don’t think Texas Republicans are upset this is happening at all. Two outcomes they are probably extremely happy about.

    African-American expectant mothers were already dying in child birth at double the rates of everyone else in Texas, now that all death rates have doubled, their rate of death is significantly high.

    Secondly, and the intention of all these cut backs into women’s basic human rights. OBs are saying their patients are entirely fearful of what the government could do to them if they have any complication during pregnancy.

    Terrifying women it’s what they wanted. Terrified women are much easier to control and abuse. No more divorce? Only having human rights if they’re married to a white man? This is great for creating an ethno state.