I personally am capable of working any boomer in their prime into exhausting while I’m still pushing for hours more. The whole “millenials are lazy” is corporate bullshit designed to make parents think their kids are just lazy and not being ripped off by the system they demand exists.
Pull a 16hr shift working network engineering during an outage, then come back to work in 8hrs for another full day on a Monday, then when the boomer stops having their mental break down they can apologize in person to every millennial they talked shit about.
I’ve got three meetings and an unscheduled emergency requiring 90% of the IT staff to sit on a conference call that says you’ll be staying late Friday, too.
Ok that’s fine I just won’t be coming in at all on monday then.
And if it’s going to keep happening like this we’re gonna have a conversation about renegotiating my employment, because this is not what we agreed to.
When you signed your employment contract one of the stipulations was that the company maintains the right to change the conditions of the contact at anytime without your knowledge or consent. So your choices are, arrive on time to work Monday morning or the company will presume that you have abandoned your position without notice and that you have forfeitted any potential severance agreement and any expectation of future a reference. We understand that we’re on crunch time but we are doing everything in our power to scale our workforce to our dynamic needs and we appreciate your continued patience and professionalism.
I personally am capable of working any boomer in their prime into exhausting while I’m still pushing for hours more. The whole “millenials are lazy” is corporate bullshit designed to make parents think their kids are just lazy and not being ripped off by the system they demand exists.
Pull a 16hr shift working network engineering during an outage, then come back to work in 8hrs for another full day on a Monday, then when the boomer stops having their mental break down they can apologize in person to every millennial they talked shit about.
Oh, and because you’re an engineer, NO OVERTIME! YOU SALARY BITCH! THOSE HOURS ARE INCLUDED!
Ok that’s fine I’ll just be leaving that much earlier on friday
Yeah that sounds healthy in the long run
I’ve got three meetings and an unscheduled emergency requiring 90% of the IT staff to sit on a conference call that says you’ll be staying late Friday, too.
Ok that’s fine I just won’t be coming in at all on monday then.
And if it’s going to keep happening like this we’re gonna have a conversation about renegotiating my employment, because this is not what we agreed to.
When you signed your employment contract one of the stipulations was that the company maintains the right to change the conditions of the contact at anytime without your knowledge or consent. So your choices are, arrive on time to work Monday morning or the company will presume that you have abandoned your position without notice and that you have forfeitted any potential severance agreement and any expectation of future a reference. We understand that we’re on crunch time but we are doing everything in our power to scale our workforce to our dynamic needs and we appreciate your continued patience and professionalism.
“We’ve got one that knows their worth! Stuff 'em in the oubliette before they infect the others! Ya want unions? This is how ya get unions!!1!¡!”
Ah, not a team player I see.
divide and conquer